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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Life imitates art  *Wednesday October 26, 2016 @02:03PM  5, Funny
   attached to In China, Some Apple Users Opt For iPhone Makeover Rather Than Buy New
Re:April fools  *Wednesday April 01, 2015 @07:06AM  2
   attached to World's Largest Aircraft Seeks Investors To Begin Operation
Re:There may be some at a loss for sympathy  *Sunday April 13, 2014 @01:48PM  4
   attached to The GNOME Foundation Is Running Out of Money
Re:Winelib  *Wednesday March 12, 2014 @06:13AM  2
   attached to Valve Open Sources Their DirectX To OpenGL Layer
Re:Javascript blocked by default.  *Thursday January 09, 2014 @02:12PM 1 2
   attached to Real-Time Face Substitution in Javascript
Re:Correct Me If I'm Wrong  *Sunday November 24, 2013 @06:54PM 4 5, Informative
   attached to Study Suggests Link Between Dread Pirate Roberts and Satoshi Nakamoto
Re:Nine, eh?  *Sunday November 10, 2013 @07:24AM  2
   attached to Ninth Anniversary of Firefox 1.0 Release
Re:Ars  *Wednesday October 16, 2013 @07:28PM  2
   attached to Fossilized Mosquito Has Blood-filled Abdomen
Re:Countries do this all the time  *Tuesday October 01, 2013 @12:17PM  3
   attached to Swiss War Game Envisages Invasion By Bankrupt French
Re:Dumb Management  *Sunday September 08, 2013 @01:20PM  2
   attached to Intel Rejects Supporting Ubuntu's XMir
Re:BS Detectors at Maximum, Mr. Sulu  *Friday September 06, 2013 @11:00PM 1 2
   attached to US Intercepts Iranian Order For Attack On US Embassy In Iraq
Re: It's no longer honorable  *Tuesday July 23, 2013 @05:31AM 1 2
   attached to US Air Force Reporting Pilot Shortage
Re:But still...  *Sunday July 14, 2013 @12:29PM  2
   attached to Casting a Jaundiced Eye On AnTuTu Benchmark Claims Favoring Intel
Re:New MP isn't great for big jobs  *Wednesday June 12, 2013 @08:05AM  2
   attached to Will PCIe Flash Become Common In Laptops, Desktops?
Re:Hmm... I have a question.  *Thursday May 09, 2013 @01:17PM 2 3
   attached to Watch a Lockheed Martin Laser Destroy a Missile In Flight
Re:It's a 3D printed gun shape  *Saturday May 04, 2013 @07:01AM  3
Re:The answer to the question  *Saturday May 04, 2013 @06:42AM  2
   attached to Defense Distributed Has 3D-Printed an Entire Gun
Re:And after the pigeons get loose and take over..  *Friday March 15, 2013 @07:06PM  3
   attached to Berkeley Scientists Plan To 'Jurassic Park' Some Extinct Pigeons Back To Life
Re:"life form unclassified"   *Friday March 08, 2013 @05:32AM 1 2
   attached to Russians Find "New Bacteria" In Lake Vostok
Re:they are misusing the term "UNIX philosophy"  *Thursday March 07, 2013 @04:30AM  2
   attached to KDE Releases Plasmate 1.0, A Plasma Workspaces SDK
Re:i like to limit my DHCP scope  *Wednesday February 20, 2013 @08:16PM 3 5, Informative
Re:i like to limit my DHCP scope  *Wednesday February 20, 2013 @06:22PM 2 5, Insightful
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Dealing With an Advanced Wi-Fi Leech?
Re:Low Hanging Fruit  *Saturday February 16, 2013 @05:56PM 5 5, Interesting
   attached to SSH Password Gropers Are Now Trying High Ports
Re:just use virtual machines  *Thursday February 14, 2013 @08:09AM  2
   attached to Retail Copies of Office 2013 Are Tied To a Single Computer Forever

"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks
