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Comment Re:Wow, someone has a very high opinion of themsel (Score 3, Interesting) 84

You probably don't know this. Epic have had more than just one hit game.

First released game appeared in 1992 as Epic (and one before that in 1991 with another company name) I really dare you to put out a full blown release of a game software product running on just one platform, even with today's free tools and git-ware. It takes a lot more time than you can imagine.

In Those 30 years, the tiny company Epic managed to outsmart Id, Sony, Nintendo, Electronic Arts, Valve, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Crytek, Take2, Vivendi, Infinity Ward, Bioware, Capcom, TT, SquareEnix Sierra, Dynamics, Microprose, ActiBliz, Rockstar, Naughty Dog, Mojang, Dice, Treyarch, Bethesda and many more. That's a hell of lot of industry competition to handle. They did not simply manage, they were setting the rules at every step of the way.

Submission + - Artificial Intelligence machine can identify 2 BILLION people in seconds ( 2

schwit1 writes: Yitu Technology has made an AI algorithm that can connect to millions of surveillance cameras and instantly recognise people.

The company – based in Shanghai, China – developed Dragonfly Eye to scan through millions of photographs that have been logged in the country’s national database.

This means it has a collection of 1.8 billion photos on file, including visitors to the country and those taken at ports and airports.

The cutting-edge technology is now being used track down criminals, with the early stages of use showing it has been a hugely successful.

User Journal

Journal Journal: A return from facebook 5

Hi world,

I'm currently trying out a new behavior trait: "going back to the way it was before." Sounds exciting, huh. Color me Facebook-less since 1.5 months and frankly, this is the first time since I feel the need to actually share something.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fringe Search

I don't expect anything from this site, this post, or you.

The only thing I offer is a gentle "Hi."

Yes. 2 more years of silence. I'm sure that time brought you various experiences of the short span of time we get to enjoy on this blue sphere, as it did for me. Like solving a giant puzzle game, with the solution running away in ever more dimensions with every step you take. Frustrations, yes, but no regrets, and rewards that warrant the journey.

Comment Not surprised, and good for Bliz. (Score 1) 155

Actually this kind of 'disaster' cancelling occurs quite often in other companies as well. Typically it goes something like:

The company reaches a point like: "We made a few games, we know our trade, we have the cash, now let's do something interesting." Then they throw all their best ideas onto a huge pile, and the game-design sanctioned people try to make sense out of it. At this point, a lot of creativity is already out of the door, since of course, the huge undertaking has to play safe ball to ensure success, and who knows better than anyone else how huge games work except game designers, right? In parallel, work starts on pre-production, concept art, prototyping, level design, game play mechanics, effects, you name it. After a while, it turn out that the really fun bits are not fun at all, no matter how much you tweak them, and everything starts to look like a tech-demo, because everyone is focusing on just a small fraction, and there's no coherence whatsoever. How could there be. Of course by then we're 2 year after the project starts, and canning it is starting to sound expensive. In the end, it comes down to a financial gamble: releasing crap can mean the end of the company (ahum: Destiny). You can sell crap once with success and maybe break even or profit, but you shit most of your loyal fans in the face, and usually they tend to not take that lightly. Or you can cancel, and swallow the loss and work on something that holds the promise to bring more grit (of which, of course, there is no proof yet).

If there's one team that has the money and the minds to work on very ambitious projects, it's Blizzard. And apparently the teams values their future productions and fan-base as more important than selling Titan. That said, Titan did look impressive from the setup, so I hope the tech and team survives.

User Journal

Journal Journal: A long way from home 1

It's nearly the end of the year. I noticed I average about a post a year now on this once so fantastic news site that I barely check up on these days. I haven't seen the oodles of good posts that whooshed by, nor have I seen the inventive new types of trolls that lurked here since when I was in University. That's a perplexing 10 years ago by now.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Everywhere is home

Watery steps across the sky,

drops of naked new surprise,

smiled into the megaphone,

home onto my mind's throne.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sunny side up! 1

Excited! That's the word.

It has that funky flavour of good vibes, but it also contains that aftertaste of some lesser vibes. It has Obama making us forget previous steps in the evolutionary chain, it has economic meltdown, it has a planet with a weather fury, it has outrageous coding pleasure as well as millions of unpaid hours of monkey work. It has a whole new world and a new fantastic point of view. And it has Isabelle, a girl I will marry in about 1 month!

Comment Professional (Score 1) 1365

Not wanting to start a war on anything:

I fully agree with the argument that professional development applications such as 3DMax still have not cut it into the UX realm, except from the usual suspects like Gimp and Renderman. Developing games for other platforms could easily be supported on Linux - ps development - if only the tools were up to par. Meaning: saving time rather than costing it.

That sort of givens automatically drive your decision making process as to what platform you'll be using when developing games. There are alternatives. Like there are alternatives in choosing your workforce, or spending lots of training to convert to Maya or Houdini, but that is not the cheaper solution, and it kind of voids the whole argument.

That said, I really think most of the arguments are really quite minor, except for maybe 1: a regression suite that can detect hardware incompatibility problems.

Another one that would be easy to come up with is a test-suite that streamlines the development of application configuration through both command-line and GUI. Helpful, but not crucial.

Reading the other items, I had an idea: What if distro's refer to a sort of xml configuration file with a shared / common format that specifies how exactly each distro has to set up it's files and dependencies, such that such configuration grief and the fact that 'each distro organises things differently' could be overcome in true linux style: maintaining uniqueness of the software (kernel) AND being flexible about the details (data).

All yours for the bashing..

PlayStation (Games)

LittleBigPlanet Goes Gold, Trophies Leaked 51

Upcoming world creation game LittleBigPlanet has gone gold, and will be officially released on Oct. 21st in the US. The game will come out exclusively for the PS3, in part due to the fact that it fills up a Blu-ray disc. The list of trophies was leaked alongside the announcement. Groups of students at Parsons will be using a 24-hour period this weekend to create levels for the game. Gamespy has a collection of videos and previews for LittleBigPlanet. To protect users' creations, it will feature an in-game copyright system.
The Courts

Activision Goes After Individual Game Pirates 216

brunascle writes "Activision has begun suing individual pirates of console games. Edge Online is reporting that they are going after a New York resident for allegedly copying Call of Duty 3 for the Xbox 360 and other games, seeking $30,000 to $150,000 in damages for each infringement. GamePolitics has also uncovered six other lawsuits with settlements between $1,000 and $100,000, in five of which the defendant was unrepresented." Activision's lawyers specifically told GamePolitics that the lawsuit wasn't targeting file-sharers, so they probably mean that the alleged pirate was reproducing and distributing physical copies of the game. The court complaint is available here (PDF).

EA Patches Spore, Eases DRM 161

EA has released the first patch for Spore, the purpose of which is to fix a number of bugs and tweak some gameplay settings to be more entertaining. Some of the visual effects were upgraded as well. They've also officially responded to the complaints about Spore's DRM, stating their intention to increase the number of allowed installations to five and to set up a system to "de-authorize" systems in order to reclaim the installation credit. They plan to allow multiple screen names per account, which was an issue for many families trying to play the game. This comes not long after EA made similar changes to the DRM of upcoming RTS Red Alert 3, and after Spore's DRM protest spread to in-game creature designs. Reader SoopahMan notes that users in EA's Spore tech support forum are reporting a number of new issues caused by the patch.

Why Lazy Functional Programming Languages Rule 439

Da Massive writes "Techworld has an in-depth chat with Simon Peyton-Jones about the development of Haskell and his philosophy of do one thing, and do it well. Peyton-Jones describes his interest in lazy functional programming languages, and chats about their increasing relevance in a world with rapidly increasing multi-core CPUs and clusters. 'I think Haskell is increasingly well placed for this multi-core stuff, as I think people are increasingly going to look to languages like Haskell and say 'oh, that's where we can get some good ideas at least', whether or not it's the actual language or concrete syntax that they adopt.'"

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