Comment Re:You pray if you like (Score 1) 147
Possible exception of the Queen Mother, I suppose.
And still, Adolf Hitler described her as "the most dangerous woman in Europe"...
Possible exception of the Queen Mother, I suppose.
And still, Adolf Hitler described her as "the most dangerous woman in Europe"...
What about 11x11?
Why in the name of jiggery pokery would you need to memorise 110 + 11?
"...the 'what3words' for the famous Peter Pan statue in London's Hyde Park is 'union.prop.enjoy'."
If your friend wants to meet you in Hyde Park (it's a big place) and you don't know where the statue of Peter Pan is, he can say "union.prop.enjoy" and w3w can guide you there...
Of course, since both of you would have to have smartphones for this to work, quite why a long/lat wouldn't also work is beyond me...especially given the prospect of missed encounters between young lovers: "Sorry, I thought you said 'onion.pope.enjoy'!!"
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"Someone once asked Paul McCartney if he thought Ringo Starr was the best drummer in the world. McCartney replied: 'He's not even the best drummer in The Beatles'"
So..yeah...nah...I never thought Ringo was that good a drummer. Overrated?
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.