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Comment Re:Is Ars Technica getting paid to shill Waymo? (Score 1) 171

Tim lee has been shilling for waymo for at least 5 years. I was so happy when ars dropped him but I guess they still bring him back for stuff.

All their car coverage is just shilling.

They launder gifts from the auto industry into cash and then claim they aren't paid for. You have to be really careful what you read on ars these days. If it's not Beth it's probably not good.

Comment Re:Is it wrong... (Score 2) 58

There was no reason for everyone to be on deck in the middle of the night in what was supposed to be a mild storm.

You don't just wake everyone up and make them go stand in the rain for every storm on a yacht.

There's no conspiracy here. Everything was standard operating procedures for a normal storm and a normal storm was all that was expected by anyone.

Comment how does this work for an online game? (Score 1) 64

And if there's an exception for online games, then they'll just add enough of an online component that they qualify as an online game and then the game will just be worse.

And it's unlikely that the game server must be made available because the ability to run software like that isn't really something that can be done without a team. And it probably doesn't run on windows anyhow. And you can't force them to make the source available because it may have things they don't have the right to release... unless you require that the game not use software like that... but then you're really upsetting the entire industry.

Comment Rules about how much you can copy with credit... (Score 1) 119

aren't rules about plagiarism.

Absolutely copying chunks that aren't your actual research and just describe the current state should be copyable with attribution.

And I don't know what English as a first language has to do with this -- you don't need to speak English well to know you can't copy without attribution.

And obviously you should be allowed to have a ghost grammar corrector for your papers - this isn't about the scientist's writing style, it's about communication of science.

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