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Comment Re:Seems reasonable (Score 2) 197

> I would say if the tenant is renting it out and able to make a profit it is only possible if the landlord is renting below market value.

Not at all. A short-term stay at a furnished apartment is always going to cost a lot more than a long-term lease of an unfurnished one. What the tenants are doing is renting out their place while they are away (vacation, trip, etc.). Of course that still violates the no-subleasing rule found in most contracts. But I think the only thing landlord can do in this case is evict the tenant.

Comment Re: Not ill timed... (Score 1) 633

> 1911 - Turkey, 1935 - China, 1938 - Germany, 1964 - Guatemala, 1970 - Uganda. I'm sure these come up a lot, without any background info. This [] seems to have actual supporting documentation.

None of these cases had anything to do with gun registration. Stop parroting bullshit. Any *actual* examples where gun registration lead to genocide?

Comment Re: Not ill timed... (Score 0) 633

> Well, for one reason, the government has absolutely NO reason to know how many or what weapons I have. I"m law abiding, not committing crimes with them, and therefore they have no need to know.

Does the government have any reason to know how many cars you have? How many houses? How many businesses? etc. Lots of things require registration & licensing.

> But mostly, in many cases around the world, the FIRST step in confiscation of weapons, was registration of them. First they learn who has what, then they know where to come to take them away.

Name those cases.

> The government really has VERY LITTLE need to know much about my personal life, what I own or what I do. They should stay as much out of my life as possible. That's they way is it supposed to be set up here in the US.

The people who scream most loudly about government staying out of their lives are also the ones who want to impose their version of religion on others, restrict access to contraception, criminalize homosexuality, etc. What's a greater invasion of personal life: gun registration or "trans-vaginal ultrasound"?

Comment Re:A better idea (Score 1) 284

I think just removing the requirement that a H1B visa is tied to a specific job would go a long way towards solving the issue and would, in effect, be self-regulating. If an employee is underpaid or mistreated he can vote with his feet -- unless of course the company can keep him on a leash via H1B visa. Remove the leash and situation self-corrects. Suddenly, it's no longer cheaper to hire H1B workers.

I also like the idea of a H1B tariff, or making the cost of the visa substantial, say 10% of the prevailing salary. That would still allow companies to hire foreign workers if there is truly a shortage (you know, the problem that H1B program is supposed to address), but would make it unprofitable to abuse the system.

Comment I would go a step further (Score 1) 602

Countries should make a treaty creating a global tax on corporations. X% would be withheld and then apportioned to each country according to the percentage of revenue. A corporation would have little incentive to play games with profit shifting because X% of global profits would be withheld no matter what. The tricky part would be to distribute the tax fairly among the different countries and to agree on this treaty in the first place. So I'm not holding my breath.

Comment Re:complex application example (Score 1) 161

> the first ones used threads, semaphores through python's multiprocessing.Pipe implementation. the performance was beyond dreadful, it was deeply alarming. after a few seconds performance would drop to zero. strace investigations showed that at heavy load the OS call futex was maxed out near 100%.

uhhm... wait what?

You are aware that python has global interpreter lock, right? And because of that multi-threaded performance in python is actually *worse* than single-threaded? But this is an inherent flaw in python interpreter and has nothing to do with Linux. It also has nothing to do with the topic of this article.

Comment bullshit (Score 3, Insightful) 385

Just as with Nostradamus, bible, etc. "predictions" they kinda sorta came true if you squint at them the right way. And there are enough true believers to parrot praise in unison. However, a more objective look reveals that these "predictions" are way off.

A guaranteed income,

Welfare, housing assistance, charity. It's rough, but the basics are provided for if you go out and get them.

That is NOT guaranteed income. Welfare (in US at least) has existed since 1935, so that's hardly a prediction.

mass joblessness,

Underemployment. College grads are flipping burgers.

Not to the level that was predicted, and certainly not to the level afforded by guaranteed income.

and strict population controls

China did it. But yeah, it's really not a problem for first-worlders. Asimov didn't see that coming.

Precisely. *One* country has a problem with overpopulation. And their solution is NOT strict population controls, but economic disincentives for families that have more than one child (so it costs more, but rich families can afford it).

would all have much, much larger effects on the world we live in

You're using the term "would have" like these things didn't come to pass.

Because it fucking didn't. Quit trying to see things that are not there.

Comment Re:This is horrible news (Score 5, Informative) 82

Because US patent system effectively legalizes extortion. Some manufacturers rolled over and paid "licencing", but others, like Infineon decided to fight. The jury in Infineon v. Rambus ruled in favor of Infineon, but then Rambus appealed to the federal circuit and got that decision overturned. PJ, of groklaw fame, put it thusly: "federal circuit has never seen a patent it didn't like".

This is just a short summary, you can find more info if you like. Rambus extorted money from pretty much everyone who has so much as touched RAM.

Comment This is horrible news (Score 5, Informative) 82

This is absolutely disgusting. Rambus is the ultimate patent troll. For those not familiar, here is some history.

Back in the 90's, Rambus became a member of JEDEC, an industry consortium of RAM manufacturers. JEDEC rules require members to disclose any patents that are relevant to the technology being discussed. Rambus didn't. It sat in on the meetings, listened, and modified its pending patent applications to cover DDR RAM. After the new RAM standard was adopted, Rambus surfaced its submarine patents and started suing everyone left and right.

Add to that the fact is that Rambus itself does not manufacture anything -- it's a technology licencing house that has a few engineers and an army of lawyers -- and you get a perfect example of a patent troll.

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