Comment Re:Ideal? (Score 1) 288
20% poverty rate, $54K median household income.
20% poverty rate, $54K median household income.
If you are in the US, a have you bought a major appliance lately? You are basically lucky to get over a year out of a washer, dryer, or refrigerator, after which it is cheaper to replace it than repair it.
I have to throw away a 5-week old refrigerator (manufacturer is giving me a refund) because it was “unrepairable.” (A valve needed to be replaced, but there was no economical way to do it.) I also have a nice 8-year old dryer where the control board is shot... and replacing that is 90% of the cost of a new unit
I guess it varies from brand to brand. After buying a new house four years ago, we bought a new washer/dryer immediately (LG, still working), replaced the dishwasher a couple years ago (GE, still working), replaced the refrigerator a couple years ago (Whirlpool, still working), and replaced the stove and microwave within the last year. Apparently, we are very lucky indeed, since everything is still working as well as when we bought it.
You have to look at national income, not GDP. GDP includes government and capital spending. For example building a new auto plant is GDP, but it is not income. There is only about $13T of national income in the US.
The money used to build the plant is income to the people who are paid to build it, is it not?
A white person from Boston and a white person from the deep south of Texas are not different ethnicities, but are most assuredly different cultures.
Ethnicity includes culture. From Merriam Webster:
Ethnic: of or relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background
Bernie is not a Democrat. So you could always vote for him as a stick in the eye to the establishment.
That's the same logic that got us Trump.
The election of Trump has had a great effect in overhauling the Democratic party. Perhaps the election of Sanders would accomplish the same for the Republican party.
He probably says "amount of people" where he really means "number of people", too.
Did you mean "number of persons"?
"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson