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Comment Re:Good. (Score 0, Troll) 259

Like when powered flight was first accomplished and as it became increasingly capable, mostly due to innovation in private industry

What is this heresy? Everyone knows the Government invented the airplane. And the steam engine, the automobile, penicillin, communication over radio waves, the bald eagle and apple pie. And it invented those things in a very fiscally responsible way too.

Comment Re:Quite appropriate in some ways (Score 5, Informative) 31

I didn't tell him that the American Eagle eats carrion

Actually the eagle primarily eats fish that it catches live from the water.

never tackles anything its own size

No bird of prey does. That would be stupid.

will soon be extinct

The Bald Eagle was removed from the endangered species list 17 years ago.

Besides those three things he was spot on.

Comment Re:If he had bought a serialized gun from a dealer (Score 3, Interesting) 199

Right after the shooting there were numerous reports stating his gun jammed and had other issues based on the video. Even though he only fired a few shots he still had a jam he had to clear. He would have been better off with a normally purchased gun.

I really believe this guy was arrogant enough to think he could get away with this murder, and the homemade gun somehow made him feel more impowered or invulnerable in some way. I think he figured he was a lot smarter than the usual criminal, and having no previous record and choosing a target he had no personal ties to would make it impossible to catch him.

Why he still had the gun is a question to be answered. Perhaps he had more targets in mind, or figured he would dispose of it further away from the crime scene? Or maybe he wanted it around for bragging rights later.

Comment Re:In other news: Illegal Migrants mass in Califor (Score 3, Interesting) 79

It could be argued that this particular population growth is bad. I think it's fair to state:

The majority of the individuals that left California earned middle-class wages or better, on which they were directly taxed by California.

That same majority was highly educated and experienced, and added indirect value to California as a pool of workers that helped make the state appealing for tech industry. Big tech companies justify their location in California due to the skilled workforce availability.

The majority of immigrants are not highly educated or skilled to the same degree as the individuals that left. In fact, it is likely some significant number of the immigrants will actually cost California money. That seems like the exact opposite of what California would want. Well, except the fact that raw numbers of bodies in the state help give them political clout at the federal level.

Comment Re: Hispanic (Score 1) 79

I am definitely generalizing, and making the assumption that most of the influx of Hispanic immigrants are not white-collar, which is probably true on average. Did you immigrate to California directly two decades ago? Did you obtain your education in the US or abroad before you immigrated? Or are you a natural citizen? I'm just curious in the context of Hispanic immigration (IE the state of immigrants at the time of migration), because the topic is regarding replacing the population that left California. This is also a generalization, but most of the outflux was white-collar, but of course not all.

Comment Hispanic (Score 3, Insightful) 79

According to the XLS on the linked census.gov website, "Annual Estimates of the Resident Population by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin for California", the number of non-Hispanics has still been decreasing (in raw numbers - not just as a percentage of the population), while the number of Hispanics has increased.

The individuals purportedly fleeing California around the time of COVID were primarily non-Hispanic. Thus this strongly suggests that the population increase was not due to professionals moving back to CA that left for states like Texas.

Comment Paywalled (Score 4, Insightful) 212

The article is paywalled, so it's really hard to discern what this data means. The "forgetting how to read" sounds sketchy. Is there a specific segment of adult population whose reading skills have declined from some previous study? IE is the current 30-40 year old range performing worse now than they did 10 years ago when they were the 20-30 year old group?

The part of the article I can read says "people aged 16 to 65", so are those in the younger range, like 16-20, the ones bringing down the average because they are now included in the study? That's an entirely different thing that people "forgetting how to read".

Comment Engine sounds (Score 2) 315

The Ioniq 5 N also simulates engine sounds through the speakers,

ICE cars have been doing this for a long time as well. On my F150 I used Forscan (3rd party "hacking" tools to change various module settings) to disable the fake engine sounds that come out of the speakers. The Ecoboost 3.5 twin turbo has tons of power, but is very quiet, so they added V8 type engine sounds that play in the cab. Broncos do that as well.

Comment Re:Or how often it just plain doesn't work (Score 1) 69

I don't travel abroad often, but my wife and I were re-entering to the US from a country that is probably fairly high on the list of ones they scrutinize extra. I was totally ready for some deep questions and to show my passport, etc to the TSA upon entering the USA.

A TSA agent held what looked like a webcam up to my face, then to my wife, and we were immediately cleared. I was shocked how streamlined it was. We weren't asked for our passport or anything else, nor asked a single question. Literally took 5 seconds for both of us together.

Comment Re: TSA needs to go away (Score 2, Informative) 69

I did a few trips to the US around 9-11 and after it felt like I arrived to a dystopia where everyone was considered guilty unless proven innocent.

The irony is that 9-11 will never happen again, and not because of anything to do with TSA or airport security whatsoever.

Passengers and bystanders on a plane will NEVER allow something like this to happen again. They will fight like hell to physically stop a threat of this nature, whether or not they claim to have a bomb.

In fact, this change happened so unbelievably fast that when passengers on United Airlines Flight 93 - the one that crashed in Pennsylvania - found out via cell phone that planes were being crashed on purpose, they immediately stormed the cockpit in an attempt to take control of the plane. Those terrorists would have had the living shit beat out of them probably to the point of death if the passengers of Flight 93 had found out what was going on before they were allowed into the cockpit.

This has happened numerous times since, where passengers are extremely proactive and immediate restrain people making threats of that nature.

Further, the cockpit doors are now locked and heavily reinforced, and pilots now know to never let anyone take control of the plane under any circumstances, regardless of what is said or happening in the passenger area.

9-11 could never happen like that again even if TSA didn't exist and not one single thing was changed about airport security in response.

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