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Submission + - Maryland To Become First State To Tax Online Ads Sold By Facebook And Google. (

schwit1 writes: With a pair of votes, Maryland can now claim to be a pioneer: it's the first place in the country that will impose a tax on the sale of online ads.

The House of Delegates and Senate both voted this week to override Gov. Larry Hogan's veto of a bill passed last year to levy a tax on online ads. The tax will apply to the revenue companies like Facebook and Google make from selling digital ads, and will range from 2.5% to 10% per ad, depending on the value of the company selling the ad. (The tax would only apply to companies making more than $100 million a year.)

Proponents say the new tax is simply a reflection of where the economy has gone, and an attempt to have Maryland's tax code catch up to it. The tax is expected to draw in an estimated $250 million a year to help fund an ambitious decade-long overhaul of public education in the state that's expected to cost $4 billion a year in new spending by 2030. (Hogan also vetoed that bill, and the Democrat-led General Assembly also overrode him this week.)

Still, there remains the possibility of lawsuits to stop the tax from taking effect; Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh warned last year that "there is some risk" that a court could strike down some provisions of the bill over constitutional concerns.

Submission + - Tesla Wins Lawsuit Against Whistleblower Accused of Hacks (

An anonymous reader writes: The US District Court of Nevada awarded Tesla a win in its lawsuit against a former employee, filed two years ago. You may recall CEO Elon Musk referred to this incident in a previously leaked email calling on employees to be "extremely vigilant." Martin Tripp, who worked at the company's Nevada Gigafactory, was accused of hacking the automaker and supplying sensitive information to unnamed third parties. Reuters reported Friday the court ruled in Tesla's favor and dismissed Tripp's motion to file another reply to the court. Tesla did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but according to Reuters, the court will grant Tesla's motion to seal the case.

Submission + - DuckDuckGo Is Growing Fast (

An anonymous reader writes: DuckDuckGo, the privacy-focused search engine, announced that August 2020 ended in over 2 billion total searches via its search platform. While Google remains the most popular search engine, DuckDuckGo has gained a great deal of traction in recent months as more and more users have begun to value their privacy on the internet. DuckDuckGo saw over 2 billion searches and 4 million app/extension installations, and the company also said that they have over 65 million active users. DuckDuckGo could shatter its old traffic record if the same growth trend continues. Even though DuckDuckGo is growing rapidly, it still controls less than 2 percent of all search volume in the United States. However, DuckDuckGo's growth trend has continued throughout the year, mainly due to Google and other companies' privacy scandal.

Submission + - Why passenger jets could soon be flying in formation (

ragnar_ianal writes: Look at the V-shaped formations of migrating ducks and scientists have long surmised that there are aeronautical efficiencies at play. Aerbus is examining this in a practical manner to see if fuel efficiency can be enhanced.

Building on test flights in 2016 with an Airbus A380 megajet and A350-900 wide-body jetliner, fello'fly hopes to demonstrate and quantify the aerodynamic efficiencies while developing in-flight operational procedures. Initial flight testing with two A350s began in March 2020. The program will be expanded next year to include the involvement of Frenchbee and SAS airlines, along with air traffic control and air navigation service providers from France, the UK, and Europe.

"It's very, very different from what the military would call formation flight. It's really nothing to do with close formation," explained Dr. Sandra Bour Schaeffer, CEO of Airbus UpNext, in an interview with CNN Travel.


Bitcoin Transactions Lead To Arrest of Major Drug Dealer ( 169

"Drug dealer caught because of BitCoin usage," writes Slashdot reader DogDude. TechSpot reports: 38-year-old French national Gal Vallerius stands accused of acting as an administrator, senior moderator, and vendor for dark web marketplace Dream Market, where visitors can purchase anything from heroin to stolen financial data. Upon arriving at Atlanta international airport on August 31, Vallerius was arrested and his laptop searched. U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents allegedly discovered $500,000 of Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash on the computer, as well a Tor installation and a PGP encryption key for someone called OxyMonster...

In addition to his role with the site, agents had identified OxyMonster as a major seller of Oxycontin and crystal meth. "OxyMonster's vendor profile featured listings for Schedule II controlled substances Oxycontin and Ritalin," testified DEA agent Austin Love. "His profile listed 60 prior sales and five-star reviews from buyers. In addition, his profile stated that he ships from France to anywhere in Europe." Investigators discovered OxyMonster's real identity by tracing outgoing Bitcoin transactions from his tip jar to wallets registered to Vallerius. Agents then checked his Twitter and Instagram accounts, where they found many writing similarities, including regular use of quotation marks, double exclamation marks, and the word "cheers," as well as intermittent French posts. The evidence led to a warrant being issued for Vallerius' arrest.

U.S. investigators had been monitoring the site for nearly two years, but got their break when Vallerius flew to the U.S. for a beard-growing competition in Austin, Texas. He now faces a life sentence for conspiracy to distribute controlled substances.

When It Comes To Spy Gear, Many Police Ignore Public Records Laws 78

v3rgEz writes What should take precedence: State public records laws, or contractual agreements between local police, the FBI, and the privately owned Harris Corporation? That's the question being played out across the country, as agencies are strongly divided on releasing much information, if any, on how they're using Stingray technology to collect and monitor phone metadata without judicial oversight.

Comment Re:Definitely (Score 1) 385

no equations doesn't mean no math. Equations generally do a pretty poor job in explaining things. I'd much rather read an article containing "because acceleration is inversely proportional to mass" than one containing "because F=ma"

That's interesting, I would much rather read "the black body specific intensity is given by B_lambda (T) = (2 h c^2 / lambda^5) / [exp(hc / (lambda * kT)) - 1], where lambda is the wavelength, T is the temperature, c is the speed of light, h is Planck's constant (energy divided by frequency for any particle), kT is the temperature in units of energy, and exp(x) = e^x, than "the black body specific intensity is given by twice Planck's constant times the speed of light squared over the wavelength to the fifth power, all over 1 less than e raised to the Planck's constant times C over the wavelength thermal energy power. There's a reason formulas are the language of mathematics and physics. They are concise, easy to parse, and unambiguous. Contrary to your example, it is easy to see scaling relations without having to add the words for what type of proportionality it is (again, there is a symbol for proportionality that lets you write a simple, easy to understand formula for it). Moreover, you can easily manipulate formulas to show something new. Not so with sentences.

Comment Re:Experiment probably worse than the real thing (Score 1) 145

On a simulated mission, you're just guinea pigs. Staying motivated must very difficult.

I certainly agree to some extent. If you check out the links this goes beyond simple will-power and excitement. It is more biological. This isn't the first time this has been talked about either and even Sci-fi writers though about this issue for long trips in our era (Earth room in Danny Boyles 'Sunshine' comes to mind).

Mood lighting in over-seas flights help with sleeping on modern aircraft too, regardless of the excitement of passengers arriving in a time-zone much different from the one they left in. This is just a silly example that seems to fit with their findings. Yes, long-haul flights are 7 to 20 hours long but it is the closest most of us come to that kind of scenario.

Comment Re:Anonymity (Score 1) 212

Lots of, um, words about disjointed stuff that I couldn't tie together. Maybe someone else can be so helpful as to sum it up in a way that makes sense?

Unfortunately there isn't much to the article. It started off like it had a real purpose but it is barely an introduction to Jaron Lanier.

However, what's important to his arguments and a lot of us who feel 'anonymity' is important is this: Anonymity isn't about hiding. It's about being safe to be yourself.

Your BBS example is important because reasonable parties involved resolving an act that isn't called for. Services like Facebook can do whatever they please the data you provide them with, especially since they can make a penny with marketing it. It gets worse when corporate or government interest moves in to collect this data. It isn't that -you- have anything to hide, but you don't have control where that data goes, or even knowledge to whether it is being protected with the civil-liberties you're supposed to have.

The only thing I can think to compare it to is speeding on the highway. You might be the type who goes 110 in a 100 zone. You might be the type to follow the guy in front of you who is going 130 and hope he gets the ticket. Either way, it's your choice and you know that you're not breaking a terrible law. You can do your best to spot a cop, and adjust accordingly. You're still you, your car, your plates...Your choice. Lets say now that your car is speeding down the highway and you're late, so you speed up a bit. But nope, 80$ warning ticket for 10km/h over the limit. On top of that, you're on your way to an interview and you drive a Toyota Tercel, unfortunately the job is a sale position for a company that makes steering wheels for Honda. The staff see that you like to speed, drive a Toyota and dont plan ahead as not to be late.

Okay, I really reached on the analogy. I don't like the idea of companies getting involved with my personal life. Neither do I want the government and it's fluxing ideals to collect every opinion I've had and judge me for it. This is a real possibility today.

Comment MOD Parent Down (Score 1) 340

Seriously? The keyword is 'planning' and it is early in construction. He didn't say he was leaving this week and is headed to his local boat shop. His problem is one that fits this community: plenty of radio nerds, seamen and a good amount of engineers floating around the comments. I for one am interested in what kind of equipment comes up.

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