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User Journal

Journal Journal: anonymous coward is not anonymous 1

too lazy to dig it out for you, but I saw on Wiki from a /. editor that he watches the recent comments and feels a desire to expose the anonymity since he can tell who is anonymous coward.

Since this is a free software fansite, there is an elevated level of trust, the whole cottage industry of idealism here is about increased trust. That's why everyone loves Google here. Anyway. Just thought it noteworthy that anonymous coward is not anonymous here, contrary to my expectation. I don't blame /. they have a lot of administrivia to do versus trolls.

yawn. will delete later.

User Journal

Journal Journal: verbal water

noting that a cup of coffee can catch me the wrong way resulting in junk /. posts, I'd rather just use a nym finally (yet again.) all things said read-only for infinite duration, and done in infinite public accessibility. all things said and done.

Journal Journal: floating entry

List of Slashdot comments in fifo order that I agree with or found interesting: is the true. Slashdotters lie. Speaking as someone who has been around /. through two re-initializations of the user database.
I see the Slashdot bias is outspoken: What? is Slashdot playing a game of Risk?
Software patents are different:
Problematic Firefox extensions:
(infotainment) contains graph. It is those who are most anti-Mammon who are the easiest to astroturf.
good writeup:

No I'm not vain enough to think anyone else will ever gain from this journal entry.

User Journal

Journal Journal: replacing Slashdot .signature

Old slashdot .signature:
In Bipartisanship Russia, Republocrats are Bolsheviks.
New slashdot .signature:
If you need text styles to communicate then you don't have a message.

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