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Comment Re:Executive orders are not laws (Score 1) 118

True- though I think smuggling Tabaco for Tabasco and Maple Syrup is a little less horrific than sending in 19 terrorists to take over airplanes to fly into buildings.

The same problem happens at the Southern Border.

Note, it's not Mexicans or Canadians who are the issue (well, other than cartels down south sending Fentynal into both countries).

Borders exist for a reason and need to be militarized.

Comment Re:Executive orders are not laws (Score 0) 118

Unless, of course, they come through some other nation- which is the real problem we're facing on the Canadian and Mexican borders. We've got almost no problem with either Canadians or Mexicans, but since 9-11-2001, we've known that there are people of ill will coming across those borders.

Comment Re:this is why tech bros backed trump (Score 3, Interesting) 118

I want only ONE regulation on AI- and I contend that this regulation would make the current generation of AI completely unprofitable:

Data centers should be restricted to using generated electricity on-site at the datacenter with a goal of zero net carbon energy generation. They should require NO energy from the grid.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Well, it's been a hot minute

What an insane last 4 months.

October I found a contract and was finally working again after my March layoff from Intel.

November brought President Trump's election, which surprisingly stayed peaceful, despite my prediction of widespread violence in response to Orange Man Bad coming back into office.

December my wife had open heart surgery, causing me to take Oregon Paid Leave Act time, because I had not been employed the 90 days for FMLA coverage.

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