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Journal Journal: A prediction either way

Capitalists fight in the courts. Communists fight in the streets.

As these two extremes have taken over, I expect Wednesday will either bring unending court battles or rioting.

270toWin shows Kamala squeeking in at 270 electoral votes. 538 shows Trump not much better at 278 electoral votes. They can't both be right.

Comment Re:Is this where the models fail? (Score 2) 53

I remember stories on slashdot in 2004 on how we had already passed the tipping point and global warming (then, this was before "global climate change") was unavoidable.

20 years later, that we are in a cycle where the natural carbon emissions from events associated with climate change exceed the total carbon output of mankind, is not surprising.

This is why adaptation is necessary.

Comment Re:More wasted RAM (Score 1) 149

The original Macbook in 2006 had only 512 megabytes

A 512 MB module cost $100-$200 in 2006. Sold in an $1000 machine. 10% of the cost.

And now a macbook air costs order of magnitude the same, but the RAM they're putting in it.... $10-20 (1-2% of the cost).

I wonder if that difference in cost is going to some other part of the machine or into margins?

(I know Apple don't pay retail prices for their RAM, which is what I quoted here, the actual percentage of cost will be lower)

Comment Re: Why would they? (Score 1) 43

Property owning white men at the time were among the least competent. They were why 9 out of 10 indentured servants from Ireland *died* before they could achieve the terms of their contract.

The *singular* point for moving away from a monarchy is the incompetency of the aristocracy, but Orwell's Law is alive and strong. Any given revolution against a tyranny, will recreate the worst properties of that tyranny.

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