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Comment Re:Decision trees are not equal to fiction generat (Score 1) 24

"What way is the best way?"
For any given job, the best way is the method that uses the fewest inputs to get the desired output.

Pretty damn objective, that, and totally measurable.

Best way to end war in the middle east is clearly negotiation and take United States troops out of the region. Diplomats are always fewer inputs than soldiers.

When you make things subjective is where bias creeps in.

Comment Decision trees are not equal to fiction generators (Score 3, Interesting) 24

The main reason AI is unreliable is because it isn't intelligent. While R1 subroutines have added at least some basic logic testing, logic is not fact checking, and these machines still don't know the difference between fact and fiction.

What is needed for AI adoption will be 0% hallucination rate- it has to be better than a political American conspiracy theorist.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Need some valentine's day advice 1

From the smartest people I know.

It also has to be on a forum my wife won't read.

I'm going through one hell of a change in life. December 16 she had open heart surgery, and her caregiving combined with less than 90 days in my new job means I lost my contract due to not devoting 40 hours a week to it.

I want to do something cheap and good for her for Valentines.

Comment Re:Executive orders are not laws (Score 1) 123

They all entered from Canada. They flew to Canada *then* entered the United States.

As for going through 12 borders on a 3 hour journey- why the hell in this day and age of telecommunications are you taking a 3 hour journey?

I see you believe in the myth of overpopulation. Just like you linked to government propaganda about 9-11.

Comment Re:Executive orders are not laws (Score 1) 123

Schengen countries have pretty much no control on their borders and they are doing just fine.

No, the European Union is NOT doing fine. As a region, its natives are slowly going extinct because they've forgotten how to breed. They're ruled by Peter Principle idiots, and their products are garbage.

Canada let in the terrorists for 9-11-2001. They all came through Canada. And the border today is just as bad as Mexico.

I'm all for militarizing the borders between US States. Heck, I'm for militarizing the borders *between cities* in the United States. No sovereign nation should have more than 100,000 citizens.

Comment Re:Executive orders are not laws (Score 1) 123

True- though I think smuggling Tabaco for Tabasco and Maple Syrup is a little less horrific than sending in 19 terrorists to take over airplanes to fly into buildings.

The same problem happens at the Southern Border.

Note, it's not Mexicans or Canadians who are the issue (well, other than cartels down south sending Fentynal into both countries).

Borders exist for a reason and need to be militarized.

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