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Comment Not really a problem (Score 2) 23

If you invite one of these into city, say goodbye to what's left of your night sky.

I had a hotel room in Vegas overlooking the Sphere.

After around 10pm or so, the Sphere just turns into showing the moon slowly rotating - so no flashing colors, all gray tones, and also not as bright.

Plus if you think about it the mini-spheres would have a far smaller outside anyway, meaning effects on night sky are probably no worse than a Wal-Mart parking lot, and they would be in the middle of cities with a ton of light pollution anyway (very true of Vegas) so they would not be spoiling anything near pristine.

Comment They do have reserved seats soon (Score 2, Informative) 86

As long as Southwest hasn't implemented reserved seating

Southwest announced some time ago they are moving to assigned seating the second half of 2025.

Every airline that has done this has ended up with longer boarding times and everybody bringing their bags and then gate checking them anyway when the plane ends up being full

Totally agree it's just going to turn Southwest into the same mad struggle for overhead every other airline has.

You are probably right they are doing it to make more cargo room, but I really do not think this is going to go the way they planned. Already with current policy overhead is totally full on every Southwest flight, people will not be checking fewer bags even with the new policy,

Comment Your Terms Are Acceptable (Score 1) 43

I would gladly give up bonuses if the choice was return to office or working full time remote.

Who cares about the review, I'd just do work otherwise and leave it to the manager to decide of how to square the circle of "does amazing work but just doesn't come into office".

"Somehow magically is able to work hours a day longer than team members who commute" is another good one.

Comment Lots of red flags (Score 2) 20

Sabrina has a decent video outlining some of the problems:

* Microsoft's own press release, Microsoft's Majorana 1 chip carves new path for quantum computing, used the words Topological Core architecture

Microsoft today introduced Majorana 1, the world's first quantum chip powered by a new Topological Core architecture that it expects will realize quantum computers capable of solving meaningful, industrial-scale problems in years, not decades.
  A new paper published Wednesday in Nature outlines how Microsoft researchers were able to create the topological qubitâ(TM)s exotic quantum properties and also accurately measure them, an essential step for practical computing.

* New York Times seemed to be the first to lie with "topological qubit"
* In the Interferometric single-shot parity measurement in InAs-Al hybrid devices whitepaper they say they measure the parity:

By comparing the measured resonator response with a reference trace (taken with dot 2 in a Coulomb valley), we convert it to a
  record, which includes a field-dependent shift of CQ that cancels out of Î"CQ (see equation (28) in the Supplementary Information).

* Back in 2017 the article Epitaxy of advanced nanowire quantum devices was retracted in 2022. (Sorry paywalled.)
* Back in 2018 the article Quantized Majorana conductance was retracted in 2021. (Sorry paywalled.)
* In 2021 Microsoft published Protocol to identify a topological superconduciting phase in a three-terminal device
* In 2023 Microsoft published another InAs-Al hybrid devices passing the topological gap protocol whitepaper about the the TGP.
* Henry Legg points out the protocol is flawed due to arbitrary cut-offs on the data range.
* Vincent Muric said Microsoft's 2023's Passing the Topological Gap Protocol article should have never been publish.
* Sergey Frolov mentioned Microsoft "doesn't show proof that it is coming from a super conductor."
* Microsoft: Here is 96 GB of data. Trust us bro.


TL:DR; Wait and see.

If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, then baffle them with your bullshit.

Comment Distinct from DeepSeek model... (Score 5, Informative) 14

This is a really good idea, as this applies to the DeepSeek app... that has been found to harvest as much as it can.

The DeepSeek model however (or general approaches) have already been integrated into a ton of other AI products now, so it's not like the government cannot leverage DeepSeek. Just not the app.

Comment Ended in data, not failure. (Score 5, Insightful) 282

SpaceX's eighth Starship test flight ended in failure

No, it ended in data.

Which can lead to full success when you keep trying.

Catching the booster alone was a big deal because that had not been done before, only second stage.

The important thing is how fast they can iterate based on whatever data they gather, and it seems like they can iterate rapidly now.

Comment Re:Please, no. (Score 1) 275

Exactly. You do you. Just because a car is a classic doesn't place any obligations on what you want to do with it. You and I don't always see eye-to-eye (actually we rarely do) but I'm 100% with you on this be it a garage collection item, a daily driver, or if you want to throw it out of a plane to see what sound it makes to hit the ground for a youtube video. It's ultimately your thing for your enjoyment.


And hey, pretty much everyone in the world can usually find at least a few things they have in common and agree upon.

Despite the worlds' differences....we're all generally more alike in many ways that polar opposites.

Have a great evening!!


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