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Comment Re:Plants & CO2 & sunlight (Score 2) 174

While parent is basically a throwaway, there's a grain of truth to it completely by accident.

If there was a reasonably accessible way to do this more efficiently, plants would use that instead of photosynthesis.

Doesn't mean there is no way to do it, but it's not likely going to be some obvious or simple process that nature could have managed on its own.

Submission + - Huawei Caught Cheating Performance Test For New Phones (

An anonymous reader writes: UL, the company behind the tablet and phone performance benchmark app 3DMark, has delisted new Huawei phones from its “Best Smartphone” leaderboard after AnandTech discovered the phone maker was boosting its performance to ace the app’s test. The phones delisted were the P20, P20 Pro, Nova 3 and the Honor Play. “After testing the devices in our own lab and confirming that they breach our rules, we have decided to delist the affected models and remove them from our performance rankings,” the company said in a statement.

For the Huawei case, the rules are actually a little fuzzy. Phones are permitted to adjust performance based on workload, which results in peaks or dips in performance for different apps, but they are not permitted to hard-code peaks in performance specifically for the benchmark app. Huawei reportedly claimed that the peak in performance seen during the run of the benchmark app was an intuitive jump determined by AI; however, when an unlabeled version of the benchmark test was run, the phones were unable to recognize it and, as a result, displayed lower performances. In other words, the phones aren’t so smart after all.

Submission + - Five-Eyes nations to force backdoors in encryption ( 1

Bismillah writes: Last week, officials from the Five-Eyes countries (US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand) issued a statement saying tech providers will have to come up with a way to provide lawful access to encrypted data, or else. How tech companies do it is up to them, but they will have to do it. Plus, uploads of illicit content must be prevented. If it can't be prevented, providers have to take such content with all haste.

Comment Re:Until this all blows over... (Score 5, Insightful) 138

Something is a good idea for everyone?

Can't have that! We'll just put it in as a special carve-out for some group that people can't say NO to - such as teachers, firemen, police, etc. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do it for the average citizen on an equal and equitable basis.
. . .
Always ALWAYS vote against carve-outs. All you are doing is ensuring the general public doesn't get whatever it is.

Comment Re:And they only cost 20 times as much (Score 1) 364

They're referring to upfront cost of course, as you are are aware.

However it IS common to compare the cheapest bulb you can get when comparing prices, but compare the manufacturer claimed life expectancy improvements from high end bulbs.

The cheap POS LEDs do NOT last 5x longer. I wouldn't even give them 2x.

The higher quality LED bulbs are great, but make the cost analysis closer (and of course 5x is still BS)

And I say this as someone with a handful of incandescent still burning, no remaining CFLs (hated them so much...) and almost entirely LEDs at this point.

LEDs are the better direction but it's not as overwhelming an analysis as it is made out to be. Particularly as they have significantly more efficient incandescents that became available once that sluggish industry realized it was being regulated out of existence and tried to adjust (too late). Comparisons are of course not done against the more efficient incandescent bulbs. LED still wins those comparisons, but the story is again reduced when this is done.

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