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Comment Stock Price (Score 1) 49

At the height of AI mania people were selling $AAPL because they had "no clear AI strategy".

At the same time they probably don't want to release something that will be mocked for its errors.

So they preannounced to save their market reputation but now suffer user reputation.

But Tim Apple's job is only to make the users happy to the extent that it makes the shareholders happy.

In his position (which I have assiduously avoided) I would probably do the same thing.

He is being pressed to release technology that doesn't exist yet.

Comment Distraction (Score 1) 37

In the 90's Windows and Office needed to be broken up so the DoJ decided that unbunding Internet Explorer was "good enough".

Today Google and YouTube need to not depend on and tie each other so they're making Google spin off Chrome. And this is after the Covid debacle killed millions because YouTube censored origins, prevention, and treatment.

Killed millions.

Don't fall for the same trick twice.

Comment Re:I liked Cats (Score 1) 74

Agreed - I haven't seen the film but I saw the play at the Wintergarden Theater in the 80's.

It was mostly spectacle in the theatrical sense. Not much energy or emotion.

Definitely a 70's vibe. Mama Mia would be in the same category. Discrete songs with little connective tissue.

Les Mis pulled off both spectacle and a good story with a score with a through-line. But that came later and everything evolves including theatre.

Even so ALW scores are very popular, though they bore me to sleep.

I can't imagine spending any mental energy hating a film. What's the value?

Go see a better film with that time. Or go for a walk in nature.

Comment Re: Where's a link to the video? (Score 1) 54

For content that came out before the era of HD(2006 and earlier), the programming was VERY VERY VERY blurry. The larger your screen, the more you notice just how bad the quality is. So, doing an upscaling on it makes some sense. Now, there are two ways to approach it, try doing it on demand, or, you do it properly, you do the upscale with real professionals, get it done properly, and then you have something decent.

Using AI as a tool isn't a problem, but if the people who handle the upscaled content don't pay attention to the quality of the result, that's just incompetence.

Comment Re:Could this be solved by a wrapper? (Score 1) 82

What's worse is the Courts force them to behave sociopathically.

If they don't the Courts will allow "shareholder" lawsuits claiming they didn't maximize profits.

The case that cost Musk his ~$50B pay package was brought by someone with an extremely small number of shares.

What CEO will risk that to help out some folks playing games on older hardware?

It would be better to buy a graphics card from a privately-held company should one exist.

Comment Mac Mode (Score 1) 119

Jobs had the goal way back in '06 of a KVM mode for a phone that would be your desktop computer.

This seems like the penultimate step.

I beta tested a MacNC back in the 90's with netboot via tftp and AFP instead of a hard drive. He and Larry realized not everybody had a T-1 to their house so they pivoted that hardware to iMac instead.

Sometimes these ideas take a while to come to fruition.

FWIW I got the docking station for a Pine64 many years back and it worked fine. Not fast but OK for light office work.

Most people would prefer this to a separate standalone desktop.

Most of us here prefer a real desktop but we're nerds.

Comment Re:Cautiously optimisitc? (Score 1) 21

At least he's a real nuclear engineer and successful VC.

Stepping aside from the Board for time reasons is a polite way to say "you guys are doing a terrible job". Which is accurate.

Intel is first to market with Backside Power Delivery which could be a true advantage.

TSMC won't have A16 until '26 at this point.

I truly believe we need competition so best of luck to him!

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