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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Advocacy and Open Source  *Tuesday February 08, 2000 @08:35AM  1
   attached to BeOS for the Internet: BeIA
Re:BeOS is wonderful.  *Wednesday October 06, 1999 @08:57PM  1
   attached to QNX OS on a floppy
Chank has had for a long time now  *Wednesday July 14, 1999 @05:40AM  1
   attached to Dirty Domain Names Allowed Again
Re:SOOOOO Impressed :P  *Tuesday July 13, 1999 @06:01AM  1
   attached to BO2K cracked
Good reason for that... Same Icon artist...  *Thursday July 08, 1999 @01:14PM  1
   attached to QNX give update of new Amiga OS and GUI
Oh man, that's funny...  *Friday July 02, 1999 @12:08PM  1
Re:We need true innovation  *Friday July 02, 1999 @08:54AM  1
Nothing Beats the BeBox  *Friday July 02, 1999 @07:24AM  1
   attached to iMac Clone Gets Sued
Re:Who's the audience for this thing?  *Friday June 25, 1999 @09:15AM  1
Got this from BeNews... Clarification on which OS  *Friday June 25, 1999 @08:31AM  3
   attached to BeDope clarifies iToaster issue
Re:iToaster software for Linux and Mom?  *Thursday June 24, 1999 @09:16AM  1
BeOS is not Unix (BNU) haha  *Thursday June 24, 1999 @09:09AM  1
Re:Didn't BE use LILO?  *Thursday June 24, 1999 @08:45AM  1
   attached to Is the iToaster a Linux Box? Will there be Source?
You need an open source spell checker...  *Wednesday June 23, 1999 @02:06PM  1
   attached to GIMP, Civ:CTP, and low-cost box Coming to BeOS
Re:BeOS is not in Beta!  *Tuesday June 15, 1999 @06:47PM  1
May not be downloadable... will be free!  *Tuesday June 15, 1999 @06:31PM  1
Re:WTF- An Answer to your question  *Tuesday June 15, 1999 @05:51PM  1
   attached to BeOS r4.5 released
i.e. SGI  *Friday June 11, 1999 @07:19PM  1
   attached to Dangers of Typecasting OSes
Fuck George Bush!  *Sunday May 16, 1999 @10:41PM  1
   attached to George W. Bush buys anti-Bush names
Re:Forgot BeOS too  *Tuesday May 04, 1999 @04:02PM  1
   attached to Intel's StrongArm Roadmap
Re:But what did it start out as?  *Thursday April 29, 1999 @05:17PM  1
But what did it start out as?  *Thursday April 29, 1999 @12:32PM  2
   attached to AMD Demos 1Gigahertz cooled K7
Re:Be's BeBox case is the king!  *Thursday April 29, 1999 @09:29AM  2
   attached to Translucent PC Cases
Not in this, country...  *Friday April 23, 1999 @12:03PM  1
   attached to Why Kids Kill

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
