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Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 49

I'd need more that 100Mbps in my household. with myself and my two kids streaming in 4k and the alarm system and assorted kit also connected. we are struggling just now with a 100down and 20 up connection but thankfully moving to cityfibre based connection and gonna get a 2.5 up and down connection that will be fine for the foreseeable future

Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 1) 258

Because sentimental fools are attached to tradition and conservationism, and wish for things to remain the same for no other reason than to keep them the same.

The thing with “conservativism”, is that it is often called “hæritage” when it would pertain a foreign culture rather than one's own. However to me it is not a foreign culture since I live close to Rotterdam, so it's simply “conservativism”.

What I find interesting is that “progressives” of one culture often ally themselves with the “conservatives” of another, not realizing that in the foreign culture they are often seen as the conservatives who stick to outdated ideals that serve no function any more for it's own sake, simply because they do not wish for things to change.

Oh then please explain the name of the Scottish organisation "Scottish Heritage that looks after the conservation of our erm, what's that word again???oh yeah heritage

Comment Re:London Calling (Score 1) 258

London sold its bridge to some place in Nevada. That's nothing but desert. Gotta be hard up to sell your bridges. And Bozos couldn't find an American shipbuilder... or a Chinese Amazon Basics boat and Prime that same-day?

you dfo realise that the old London bridge was so FUCKED and broken there was a song about it you may have heard of 2 London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down." So they sold it to and built a new more suitable one that wasn't utterly fucked

Comment Re:Please name names (Score 0, Troll) 350

Who has he harmed?

The people playing political games to undermine open source software on behalf of large corporations who stand to gain from the lack of competition.

the guy is a toe cheese eating sorta guy, well known for being a dick to a lot of people. When you piss off a lot of people they tend to bite back.

Comment Re:I have to admit (Score 1) 43

ARCHER is on a range of research projects, such as modelling weather patterns and biomedical data, simulating the Earth’s climate and designing new materials. But its role in supporting a number of different COVID-19 research projects might have proven a particular draw to hackers. “I am not sure if anyone can say for sure whether this is a targeted attack to either exfiltrate data relating to Covid-19 research or it was an attack to slow the progress of research into Covid-19 by state actors – or whether it was simply a ‘indiscriminate scan attack’ which happened upon the supercomputer,” says Kevin Curran, professor of cybersecurity at Ulster University.

https://tech.newstatesman.com/... however a monero scam seems more likely tbh. money is quite popular i hear these days!

Comment Re: The author is delusional (Score 1) 132

Worse still, they actively block repair shops from ordering and stocking parts. They are an abbomonation to the environment.

I call bullshit. I bought a replacement battery for my wife's iPhone 6 from iFixit. It was reasonably priced and it arrived in a couple of days. But don't just take my anecdotal evidence as proof of anything. How about a citation for this alleged blocking orders?

have you ever heard of Louis Rossman of Rossman group? https://www.youtube.com/user/r... Or ever heard of Jessa Jones from Ipad Rehab? https://www.youtube.com/watch?... ooh look a video about apple having goods seized by customs??? you sir and probably just a silly troll or a pathetic apple fan boy

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