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Comment Re:That's cool and all but (Score 1) 85

There's an obvious economic driver for shifting demand from when a resources is expensive to when the resource is inexpensive. If a building's owners have a contract with the utility provider for time-of-day billing, and electricity is cheap at night and expensive during the day, then there's incentive for shifting the electric load from day (A/C) to night (power the freezers, and thaw the ice during the day to avoid daytime electric charges).
If the local utility gets enough electricity from solar, and the duck curve means electricity is cheapest in the afternoon, and more expensive at night, then the building owner should just go ahead and run the A/C during the day, and maybe the freezers, too. The capital costs to build the ice electricity time-shifter may or may not still be low enough to fit within the savings the system offers.

Comment Re:That's cool and all but (Score 1) 85

The old pattern of electricity being cheaper at night, because everyone uses Air Conditioning in the afternoon and demand is at its peak, is going to change. Solar provides power during the day, and not at night. As the fraction of electricity from solar goes up, the increase in afternoon supply will match that daily usage pattern.

The economic justification for batteries is that you fill them when electricity is cheap, and deplete them when it is dear. Utilities will have incentives to match the price customers pay with the supply-and-demand balance.

Comment Unions (Score 4, Insightful) 160

How did the work week in America go from 72 hour (6 days, 12 hours per day) to 40 hours? Unions, and then legislation. Of course big employers are going to expect long hours of work for as little pay as possible. There was some violence along the way, as there always is when there's a lot of money at stake. Worth it? Yes.

Comment Re:Scam (Score 1) 166

Exactly. It's a way to prop up Bitcoin with taxpayer dollars, because they're running out of marks in the general public. Gives the insiders a chance to get out near the current absurd price.

What is Bitcoin good for? Transferring ransoms, yes; purchasing illegal contraband, stolen goods, yes. What else?

Comment Re:The AI Apocalypse is a torrent of fraud and spa (Score 1) 91

Or they had the company they are leading sell the real estate to a firm they secretly control, for a below-market price. Loot the shareholder value for themselves, and leave the company's shareholders, suppliers, employees, and customers in the lurch when the hollowed-out corporate shell finally collapses.

Comment Re:Plenty of reasons why (Score 1) 296

6) Half an hour of " previews " before the show even begins

Aim to arrive 15 minutes after programme start?

I just went out to see a moving this past weekend with my wife. First time in this theater multiplex in a few months. Got there 30 minutes early; had to wait 10 minutes for them to let us into the room. They were playing commercials non-stop until 7 minutes after the scheduled start of the show. They used to have something engaging; it was hosted by Maria Menounos, and there's a preview show now that she also hosts called "Noovie" now. But all we got was an endless loop of ads, with a closing 30 second "this has been Noovie, hosted by me, Maria Menounos".
And, of course, 20 minutes of previews after the official showtime start, for sequels and remakes. Absolutely no film they played a preview for held my interest. And there might have been a naked commercial in between previews.

Comment Re:Unpleasant (Score 2) 296

Especially the "nutty prices." The cost of even a _matinee_ ticket is just ridiculous at over US$12 per ticket for a first-run movie.

Star Wars, released in 1977, raised movie ticket prices to $4. Adjusting for inflation, that's $20.80 with October 2024 dollars. I forget what the Matinee discount was back then, a matinee for $12 today doesn't seem to be unreasonable.

Snacks, on the other hand...

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