Comment Re:Shitty site (Score 1) 245
Contratulations, you get a B-. Had you stopped after the first page you would have aced it.
Contratulations, you get a B-. Had you stopped after the first page you would have aced it.
The first book was Justice for Dummies
Not the John Smith you're looking for? Click here for more.
Usually the person that serves the subpoena doesn't know the person being served. The profile picture and semi-private info on someone's profile shouldn't be enough to hold up in court. Not to mention the number of people that use a pic of their kids or something else as their profile pic.
Oh God! I thought it was only me! I've taken to sitting at the frame that I want to resume for a few seconds before pressing play, but I think that is no more effective than the dead chicken I used to wave over it.
It used to be about developers, but now it's about advertisers. Wonder what that says about quality.
Eat well, exercise and get regular chiropractic adjustments to keep your nervous system functioning at peak efficiency. You'll never get heart disease or cancer.
I think you forgot a (ca-ching) in there somewhere.
Eat well, exercise and get regular chiropractic adjustments to keep your nervous system functioning at peak efficiency. You'll never get heart disease or cancer.
You forgot a (ca-ching) in there!
My first thought is Multivac.
I realize that Multivac was just underground, but this seems like a good place to start.
So, maybe you can tell me, what did this first chicken mate with? And after it mated with the non-a-chicken, was the offspring a sterile hybrid like a mule?
The first person that tries this will find out that it actually was a mafia bomb and end up arrested by the FIB for acts of terrorism.
720i/p are still high definition. Remember, standard def is basically 640x480 or VHS quality.
(I know VHS isn't exactly this, but it makes for a good visual)
I think rwa2's example is perfect, but if you want to expand the lesson, put a second copy (with slightly different message) in a file called DancingBunnies!.bat
This will help to explain another common method for viruses to spread.
0 in base x is 0
x-1 in base x is 1
x in base x is 10
4 comments and the site is already crawling. Reddit must have hit it first.
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.