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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
LOL  *Monday April 19, 2021 @11:32PM 3 2, Insightful
   attached to Missing Arctic Ice Fueled the 'Beast of the East' Winter Storm
Re:Windows RT 2.0  *Tuesday February 11, 2020 @09:08PM 1 1
Re: Microsoft discovers ZFS boot environments.  *Tuesday February 11, 2020 @09:02PM 2 1
   attached to Microsoft Promises Windows 10X Updates Will Take 'Less Than 90 Seconds'
Re:Shocking  *Friday February 16, 2018 @09:26PM  1
Re:Shocking  *Friday February 16, 2018 @09:04PM 2 1
Oh this is gonna be good  *Friday February 16, 2018 @09:03PM 1 1
   attached to FreeBSD Falls To SJWs With Lunatic Ideological Code of Conduct
Re:They wont get in trouble  *Wednesday August 09, 2017 @10:14AM  1
   attached to Google May Be In Trouble For Firing James Damore
Re:Firefox may not survive WebExtensions.  *Wednesday August 09, 2017 @09:56AM  1
Re:Firefox may not survive WebExtensions.  *Wednesday August 09, 2017 @09:54AM 1 1
   attached to Firefox 55 Arrives With WebVR on Windows, Performance Panel, and Click-to-Play Flash
Yawn  *Wednesday April 12, 2017 @07:12PM  1
   attached to Broadcasters Put New Ad-Skipping Restrictions On YouTube TV
frist  *Wednesday February 15, 2017 @09:27PM 2 -1, Offtopic
   attached to Bipartisan Bill Seeks Warrants For Police Use of 'Stingray' Cell Trackers
How dare you!  *Sunday September 25, 2016 @08:25PM 1 1
   attached to What Vint Cerf Would Do Differently
Re:Compared to what?  *Monday September 12, 2016 @08:30PM  1
   attached to Firefox 49 Postponed One Week Due To Unexpected Bugs
Re:PC Police!! Pull over!!  *Friday August 12, 2016 @06:13PM  2
   attached to Linux 4.9 Will Be the Next LTS Kernel Branch, Says Greg Kroah-Hartman
Re:What's wrong with PC-BSD?  *Monday March 21, 2016 @12:55AM  1
Re:Why would anyone want this?  *Monday March 21, 2016 @12:46AM 3 1
   attached to Meet UbuntuBSD, UNIX For Human Beings
Re:Microsoft should open source Edge.  *Sunday March 20, 2016 @01:02AM  3, Funny
   attached to Pale Moon Devs Ponder Dropping Current Codebase And Starting From Scratch
Re:Thanks  *Tuesday March 15, 2016 @10:48PM 1 1
   attached to Obama Rejects New Atlantic Ocean Oil Drilling
Re:Let's just be honest  *Monday February 29, 2016 @01:30AM  1
Let's just be honest  *Sunday February 28, 2016 @12:02PM 3 1
   attached to Apple Lawyer Ted Olson: Creating Unlock Tool Would Lead To 'Orwellian' Society
Re:Only COMMUNISM can save us  *Sunday February 21, 2016 @02:42PM 1 0
   attached to Timeline Of Events: Linux Mint Website Hack That Distributed Malicious ISOs
If it were that easy  *Monday February 15, 2016 @12:24PM 3 2
   attached to VC Firm Y Combinator Launches an Experiment In Universal Basic Income
Re: Haha, NOPE.  *Tuesday February 09, 2016 @11:57PM 1 1
   attached to SourceForge Eliminates DevShare Program
Re:Missing Option  *Monday December 28, 2015 @11:39PM 1 1
   attached to I will spend New Year's ...

Statistics are no substitute for judgement. -- Henry Clay
