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Comment About time (Score 1) 17

Regulators only do this when they get sick of having to act as ombudsman on the same thousnads of identical cases of unfair treatment by ISPs to their customers. This is a positive step, but the regulator should go further.

For example, the fact only 10% of an ISP's customers have to get the advertised speed they plaster all over bus stops, buses and on TV is a ridiculously unfair industry practice.

Comment The high end is protected, is it? (Score 2) 285

I understand and accept that jobs that rely on someone simply following a process given down by management, without needing to apply judgement or on-the-spot thinking, is a piece of very low hanging fruit for automation. Baristas, fast food counter staff, checkout/till staff in supermarkets etc. are, as we already know, all going to find their jobs disappear in the near future.

However, many skilled jobs make use of IT systems for data analysis and calculations, where much of the setting up is still done by a squishy human on a PC in an office paid a high salary for their work and knowledge in using the system and explaining the results to clients. Many professional services firms are already automating much of the calculation and systems work to other countries, or to a computer.

Many first world governments are actually encouraging ways to make such work more standardised and easier to automate. The UK government's consultation into the way final salary pension schemes in the UK are valued every three years is one such example, although you have to really dig into the detail of the green paper to find it:

Many of these highly paid staff will see themselves as safe from automation, but their bosses certainly don't.

Comment Re:Oblig (Score 5, Insightful) 154

You must be new here....

Doesn't this miss the point? ISP's will carry on with this sort of behaviour if everyone just lies down and takes it.

The regulators should of course be doing more, but this sounds like a very useful way to at least increase the hassle the ISP must go through to provide less than a third of their advertised speed.

Comment Re:future generations (Score 1) 173

The UK has had a very successful subsidy on the electricity generated by solar PV that has encouraged large numbers of people to install panels on their roofs at home. As a result, last year the amount of solar capacity in the UK doubled to over 5GW, enough to supply over 1.2 million homes with electricity:

and has created a whole industry of small and medium companies to install and maintain the panels. Sadly the shortsighted new Conservative government have decided to all but remove the subsidies that have supported this growth, stunting the growth of an industry that through better economies of scale on production costs was intending to be entirely subsidy-free within 5 years.

This has cost a huge amount of renewable capacity to be lost in the short to medium term, replaced with importing ever more energy from abroad and making the UK even more reliant on Russian energy production.

Comment Re:When The Lunatics Take Over The Asylum (Score 1) 456

I dunno. Depression studies show that vigourous excercise several times a week is just as effective a treatment as the leading drugs at maintaining happiness and preventing suicide. Does that make Depression a real condition and disease

If I had a certain type of diabetes I could take insulin injections every day for 20 years and hide the symptoms, but the illness is still there and if I had to stop injecting myself or couldn't do it any longer the symptoms would come back.

It is a real disease - when we get older and can't do vigorous exercise anymore, the depression is still there.

Comment Re:When The Lunatics Take Over The Asylum (Score 1) 456

Talking about mental illness doesn't make it spread, it's not an ideology or something you catch by being around someone who suffers from anxiety!

It's an illness that a material proportion of the population (in your family, in your workplace, in your country) suffer from, but most sufferers don't even realise how they react to a situation isn't the same as other people. That is until people start to talk it.

The underlying condition is there regardless, and far better that those who suffer can shine a spotlight on the issue themselves by talking about the possibility of EM sensitivity with their doctor, who will help them with the underlying condition.

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