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Submission + - Anonymous Releases 90,000 Military E-Mail Accounts (

jjp9999 writes: Anonymous Operations posted 90,000 military email addresses and passwords to Pirate Bay on July 11, in what they're calling "Military Meltdown Monday." They obtained the emails while hacking government contracting and consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton. They hinted at other information obtained during the breach, which they describe as "maps and keys for various other treasure chests buried on the islands of government agencies, federal contractors and shady whitehat companies." The breach comes just days after Anonymous hacked government contractor IRC Federal. Both breaches are linked to the new AntiSec movement, which LulzSec joined forces with shortly before disbanding.

Submission + - Congressmen pusshing to reopen Yucca Mountain (

Bob the Super Hamste writes: A story over at CNN Money is reporting that a group of congressmen who are backed by the nuclear industry are pushing to reopen the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site. Currently the site sits closed and uncompleted since the Obama administration scrapped the project. The article goes into the pros and cons of the Yucca Mountain site for storage and also brings up some interesting political issues with it. Also of note is that there as been a fee on electric bills since 1983 for the building of the site.

Comment Re:Hosted Alternatives (Score 1) 482

Spideroak sucks. The software is buggy as hell, their bandwidth must be purchased by the strawful as the transfer speeds are comparable to what I was getting on dialup in the 90s, syncing is hit or miss at best and it's a gigantic resource hog. It cost my company $90 to beta test this POS and the company insists that all sales are final so too bad for me. Stay away from Spideroak! As to the rest, Sparkleshare shows promise so far. I'm also intrigued by Aero FS ( but they're still in closed beta and I haven't been able to score an invite.

Submission + - U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors ( 1

snydeq writes: The Obama administration is leading a global effort to deploy “shadow” Internet and mobile phone systems that dissidents can use to undermine repressive governments that seek to silence them by censoring or shutting down telecommunications networks, according to a report from The New York Times. 'Some projects involve technology that the United States is developing; others pull together tools that have already been created by hackers in a so-called liberation-technology movement sweeping the globe. The State Department, for example, is financing the creation of stealth wireless networks that would enable activists to communicate outside the reach of governments in countries like Iran, Syria and Libya, according to participants in the projects.'

Comment Dr's are tech idiots (Score 5, Interesting) 162

I work for a large regional provider of EMR hardware and software and I can tell you first hand that you should be afraid, very afraid, of anything your Dr. does with health records that involve a computer. Anti-virus is the tip of the iceberg. You install it for them and their brother in law who's a burger flipper helpfully uninstalls it to "speed things up." Hilarity ensues. Entire offices are implementing EMR that refuse separate usernames and passwords because it's "just too damn hard to remember all that" so everyone logs in as user with some simple password; that's if they even bother to log in or off at all. Of course they have to have admin rights because it's their hardware and they know what's best.

Since most of the offices that are being force-fed EMR because of the lure of up to $44,000 in "stimulus" funds are smaller practices, they don't have domains that can be used to enforce universal security policies.

The larger ones, sure, but most of them already use EMR and have on site servers etc. along with the requisite firewalls and VPNs. The vast majority of the new ones though are being sold "cloud" based systems with no local servers at all, so it's a friggin' free for all in terms of security (or lack thereof). They're just lining up for a swipe at the stimulus golden ring but half of them shouldn't even be entrusted with anything as complicated as a TV remote, let alone computer systems.


Denver Bomb Squad Takes Out Toy Robot 225

An anonymous reader writes "A robot met its end near Coors Field tonight when the Denver Police Department Bomb Squad detonated the 'suspicious object,' bringing to an end the hours-long standoff between police and the approximately eight-inch tall toy. From the article: "'Are you serious?' asked Denver resident Justin Kent, 26, when police stopped him from proceeding down 20th Street. Kent said that he lived just past the closed area, but was told he would have to go around via Park Avenue.'"

Race On To Fingerprint Phones, PCs 139

theodp writes "Advertisers no longer want to just buy ads, reports the WSJ. They want to buy access to specific people. In response, the race is on develop digital fingerprint technology to identify how we use our computers, mobile devices and TV set-top boxes. Start-up BlueCava, an anti-piracy company spinoff, is building a 'credit bureau for devices' in which every computer or cellphone will have a 'reputation' based on its user's online behavior, shopping habits and demographics. By the end of next year, BlueCava says it expects to have cataloged one billion of the world's estimated 10 billion devices, and plans to sell this information to advertisers willing to pay top dollar for granular data about people's interests and activities. It's 'the next generation of online advertising,' said Blue Cava's David Norris. As controversy grows over intrusive online tracking, regulators are looking to rein it in — the FTC is expected to release a privacy report Wednesday calling for a 'do-not-track' tool for Web browsers."

Sun Pushes Emergency Java Patch 90

Trailrunner7 writes "In a sudden about-face, Sun has rushed out a Java update to fix a drive-by download vulnerability that exposed Windows users to in-the-wild malware attacks. The patch comes less than a week after Sun told a Google researcher it did not consider the issue serious enough to warrant an out-of-cycle patch and less than a day after researchers spotted live exploits on a booby-trapped Web site. The flaw, which was also discovered independently by Ruben Santamarta, occurs because the Java-Plugin Browser is running 'javaws.exe' without validating command-line parameters. Despite the absence of documentation, a researcher was about to figure out that Sun removed the code to run javaws.exe from the Java plugin. The about-face by Sun is another sign that some big vendors still struggle to understand the importance of working closely with white hat researchers to understand the implications of certain vulnerabilities. In this case, Google's Tavis Ormandy was forced to use the full-disclosure weapon to force the vendor into a proper response."

Android 2.1 Finally Makes It To Droid 132

MrSmith0011000100110 writes "The lovely people over at AndroidCentral have broken the announcement that Android 2.1 is finally coming to the Motorola Droid, with actual proof on Verizon's Droid support page (PDF). I don't know about my Droid brethren, but I'm pretty excited to see the new series of Android ROMs for the Droid phone that are based on a stock Android 2.1. As most of us know, the existing 2.1 ROMs can be buggy as hell and either running vanilla 2.1 or a custom ROM; but this phone is still a tinkerer's best friend."

GameStop, Other Retailers Subpoenaed Over Credit Card Information Sharing 117

New York State's Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, has subpoenaed a number of online retailers, including GameStop, Barnes & Noble, Ticketmaster and Staples, over the way they pass information to marketing firms while processing transactions. MSNBC explains the scenario thus: "You're on the site of a well-known retailer and you make a purchase. As soon as you complete the transaction a pop-up window appears. It offers a discount on your next purchase. Click on the ad and you are automatically redirected to another company's site where you are signed up for a buying club, travel club or credit card protection service. The yearly cost is usually $100 to $145. Here's where things really get smarmy. Even though you did not give that second company any account information, they will bill the credit or debit card number you used to make the original purchase. You didn't have to provide your account number because the 'trusted' retailer gave it to them for a cut of the action." While there is no law preventing this sort of behavior, Cuomo hopes the investigation will pressure these companies to change their ways, or at least inform customers when their information might be shared.

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