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Comment Like anyone believed (Score 0) 504

Like anyone believed the DPRK was sincere in their desire for a summit. If you're shocked by this you're naive. If you're touting this as a failure of President Trump's you're a political shill and haven't been paying attention of the last 20 years. Both Republicans and Democrats having been punting this football so it's outside of their court hoping the next administration will have to deal with the problem that is the DPRK.

Personally I think it's about time someone gave the DRPK the middle finger and cut them off before they inevitably cancel anyway.

Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage!". And no regime knows better on how to manipulate that stage than the DPRK. Personally, I think President Trump is the perfect candidate for playing these kinds of games with NK. He's cutting them off before they started. Now, of course, NK already has a contingency plan in place,I'm sure, and they'll come swinging (with words).

Well, I'm going to grab my popcorn and wait for their response.

Comment Pandora's box (Score 1, Interesting) 522

You want to leave Stallman's humorous line in? Fine. It's a historical footnote for OSS. But let's not open the floodgates for every budding programmer with a funny bone to insert their brand of humor into each man page or programmer's manual.

When I open a manual of some sort I want to find answers and not be distracted by irrelevant material. What's next? ASCII Porn? "Don't censor me, man!"

"Pandora's box" and "Unintended Consequences" comes to mind. Let's keep it brief, on topic, and as professional as possible, shall we?

Comment My first Facebook account (Score 1) 635

Until a couple of years ago I refused to be a part of Facebook. But, over time I was worn down by the family using it as their main source of communication about trips and what not. Eventually I got an account. I tried using my real name which, at the time, Facebook wouldn't allow. Facebook wouldn't allow my brother to use his real name either. So, my brother made up a fake account for me. Which took a little work as Facebook used to really hate fake names.

Anyway, when I logged in for the FIRST time Facebook suggested my father as my first contact.

That's some scary shit, right there.

Comment Re:this is trash (Score 1) 72

Maybe the song in question is good; maybe it isn't - that's up to the listener.

You, human, have your own opinions on what you call music; be it inspirational, rock, country, new age, or whatever. Your mind was 'trained' with years of what *you* find interesting or wonderful. You've listened to samples to derive your opinion on what you would create - if you created something. It might be nice, or awesome; It might be utter crap, too.

AI today requires "training" of that AI. It needs to be fed many, many samples (just as we humans are) and TFA mentions nothing about the samples this AI was fed; their genre, style, etc...

But whatever. The article doesn't mention the training program the AI underwent and how much. So, is it really that bad? It's obvious it's not completely random. But, yes, it's going to be a while before AI starts composing top 10 hits under any genre.

Comment Re:JAIL JAIL JAIL (Score 1) 236

Where did the parent advocate having the government monitor code check-ins or ensure software quality? All he advocated was having criminal penalties for insecure software, which actually sounds like a good idea to me, provided people are able to pass the blame to their bosses and thus avoid all liability (if you fear for your job because your boss ordered you to do something insecure, then your boss should go to jail, not you. If your boss was just passing orders from his boss, his boss should go to jail, not him.).

Both bosses should go to jail. Depending on the situation it's called collusion and/or conspiracy.

Comment Re:So how fast is it...? (Score 2) 142

No, no. Not at all. I was simply suggesting that maybe their point wasn't to get statistics out; but, rather, obtain eyeballs.

I think you're totally spot on - what a wasted opportunity and inferior article. They made a claim without substantiating it at any length.

Oh, and sorry if I offended you. That certainly wasn't my intent. The whole thing is humorous to me.

Comment Re:Ridiculous. (Score 5, Insightful) 914

Exactly. This is simply inhumane. Regardless of the otrocities commited by the convicted, we cannot, as a society, debase ourselves by resorting to torture of the mind, body, or soul.

The department of corrections is supposed to be "correcting" human behaviour, not damaging it. Too much of that happens in prisons as it is. Now this doctor wants to exacerbate that?

Whatever organization that she received her doctorate from should revoke it immediately!

Comment Fox News? (Score 5, Insightful) 166

Is that you? To reiterate another poster's comment, this is just some dude's blog entry.

Seriously? WTF with the headline, Timothy? Is /. Into sensationalist, eye-grabbing headlines now? How about maybe only showing comments 5 at a time while you're at it? That should garner some ad revenue. That title is *very* misleading.

Comment Re:inconsiderate... (Score 1) 234

True story.

I taught my small, 20lb dog to not crap in the house, too. We always walk up a hill so he can crap in the field behind the house. He doesn't like to crap on short grass, either.

One day, on vacation in Kansas City, KS, we walked out of the hotel for a morning walk. We walked across the street (near a highway). We walked and walked and he wouldn't do his business. Finally, he semi-squated in front of a small, manucured bush and promptly deposited a turd on top of it.

Triumphantly, I left it there. Hey. At least no one would *step* on it!

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