My presentation philosophy: the presentation is NOT the powerpoint document. It's me talking in a way that makes a point.
The powerpoint is there to give them something more interesting to look at than me, to help them keep track of what point we're on, and sometimes to provide an illustration or diagram.
If I have to alter what I'm going to say so it can fit powerpoint slides, I'll just hand out a stack of bumperstickers.
Everyone else covered up sexual abuse as well: governments, families schools. Here is one example I happen to have read about before
The main difference between the church and other organisations that have done the same seem to be:
1) The press are more interested in covering church scandals.
2) The people responsible for the cover-ups by the church are made to resign when caught, those in government get away with it.
As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare