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Comment Here's the Guardian posting an arse cover. (Score 5, Insightful) 155

"It was a failure of technology" copout for incompetence and negligence. The Guardian is up for this ride and will pay for the gas.

Multiple people "detected the shooter" for nearly a half-hour, including the whole unit of police, operating out of the same building that shooter Crooks had taken position.

Comment Re:Will they ... (Score 1) 86

This is why there have been attempts to package Rosetta2 to run on Asahi Linux. That has been kind of stale for a year. Apple did good work to make any Intel binary run in a M-series Linux ARM VM on their virtualization.

I have run a lot of Linux hardware since the 90's. With a couple of beta niggles, I've never had any workstation smoke like the M1 or M2. Kinda have high hopes for the new Snapdragon Surface.

Comment Re:Will they ... (Score 1) 86

The simple and not completely uncommon use case - running Intel Windows VST plugins with Wine and Box64 - is affected directly by the page size expected by the complied objects.

Far more common are users running games intended for various platforms, about which I regularly see questions and advice in a number of online forums.


...Is not thought.

Behaving consistently as if these are the same thing will lead to unanticipated and frequently unfavorable results.

It is now a reasonable wager to think that these technologies are hastening the untimely demise of this civilization. This is a period in which decision making is of possibly unprecedented urgency, while a plurality of resources are being directed to the simulation of decisions, based on predictive models from obsolete normals.

Comment Re:Will they ... (Score 1) 86

I'm certain that they use the same secure boot + UEFI combination that has allowed for running aarch64 ARM Linux kernels as other Surface devices. With a 32 GB RAM version, I'm considering this.

Today, I have a 16" M1 Macbook Pro with 16GB RAM, running an Asahi Linux boot environment with a Debian unstable OS release. It's the fastest Linux machine I ever owned. The rub for many of the emulation scenarios I could be using on this, is M-series SoCs have a 16k page size, and the 4k paging asked for by the intel binaries I want to run have no solution that suits every situation, other than a VM.

The Surface, if proven to run Linux, looks like it solves for that, along with being 3 generations of ARM fabrication newer. It's a lot to plunk down almost 4K USD for the loaded slab, but may well be worth it.

Comment Re:Moo (Score 1) 11

Chips and Dips, along with early Slashdot, had a bunch of Malda's personal links. Duckpins was an animation he made as an undergrad. He also linked a personal site for a couple of Windowmaker plugins that he'd written. I can't remember what the plugins were! I do remember that most plugins were mail notifiers or clocks.

Comment So cool (Score 1) 1

I have huge affection for these beasts. I cut my teeth in High School on a DEC PDP11/70 and AT&T SysV, and a little RSTS/E in 1979-82. We switched systems by loading different cakelid platters into the washing-machine drives, and toggling the magenta keys.

I've thought about the Blinkenlights 7/10 scale emulator, tha uses an RPi, but I envy you and hope you have fun.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 15

I wish you well, and try not to take the demise of this broken world so hard. The tree with these roots couldn't ever produce other fruits, despite our kind and generous fantasies of the 90's.

It's been a good 20 years or more we were friended here on Slashdot. I wonder what so many of those like Fidel Catsro, (H)elix1, SolemnDragon, CaptainSplendid, CyranoVR, and so many others have gone on to,

You can always find me on fediverse, tho' I am present only in bursts. - with all the commies and shit-posters.

Comment Brillshirt (Score 1) 1

Total garbage. This is a typical New Delhi TV article with a broad anti-China slant. The single source is from an "interview" on Jennifer Zeng's blog. Zeng is a well-known "human rights activist" actually a Falun Gong cultist, who has manufactured and juiced-up numerous bogus stories about China over the last 20 years. This is the sort of story that excites QAnon cultists and the rest of the Epoch News crowd, for whom Alex Jones is still a guilty pleasure.

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