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Comment The title of the Wired article is misleading (Score 3, Interesting) 35

Halfway through the article the author says they were unable to find any bias caused by the funding.

Funding from Facebook may not have affected the feedback or research around Messenger Kids. The Facebook advisers who spoke to WIRED offered thoughtful perspectives, based on personal experience or supported by research.

The title of the article could have just as easily been "Facebook Sought Expert Review for Messenger Kids"

Comment Re:Sad to say (Score 1) 351

I think you are falling for a false stereotype. Gamers are great patrons. I live in Indianapolis and Gen Con is hosted here. Every year I see stories on the local news talking about how the local businesses love the Gen Con attendees. This year I saw the owner of The Ram, a local restaurant/brew house, on the news talking about how great the business was during Gen Con and how his staff enjoyed working during the event. They wouldn't be saying that if they were all sitting around drinking water and taking up space.

Comment AAA has been great (Score 1) 11

My wife and I have had AAA for a few years, and we love it. I have used it for a dead battery, a tow when my transmission died, and a flat tire with lug nuts so tight I couldn't get them off. My wife also used it when her car started to overheat. It has been well worth it. We recently went to Disney and stayed off site. Because we were AAA members we were able to get "diamond" parking right up front at every park. I can't say enough nice things about AAA.


Submission + - Combined hovercraft and helicopter

An anonymous reader writes: Have British engineer Geoff Hatton brought us the best of two worlds with his UFO-looking machine? The US military thinks so and are investing in it.

The design is sturdy (as opposed to a helicopter) and can fly high (as opposed to a hovercraft). It is based on the "Coanda Effect" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coanda_Effect ).

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/tec hnology/technology.html?in_article_id=447317
United States

Journal SPAM: Immigration Follow Up

Here's another msnbc article. This one is about identity theft and what they have pieced together about one person who had her identity stolen and it has been used by various illegal aliens, in order for them to gain employment.

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