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Submission + - Legacy Yahoo Messenger app being retired (

Irishman writes: Looks like August 5, 2016 is the last day for people clinging to the old desktop version of Yahoo Messenger. A new version is supposedly in the works but otherwise it will be the mobile app or the web version.

Submission + - Prisons Moving to All Video Visitation.

gurps_npc writes: As per this article, many prisons are trying to replace in person visitation rights with video visitation. The reason is money — in person costs a lot to administer, while you can charge people to 'visit' via video conferencing (charge as in overcharge — just like they charge up to $14 a minute for normal, audio only telephone calls). This is new, and the few studies that have been done show that doing this INCREASES violence in the prison — and it is believed to also increase recidivism. But the companies making a ton on it like that — repeat customers and all. Of course, the service is horrible, often being full of static and dropped calls — and the company doesn't help you fix the problem.

Comment Re:Try deepfried at least once (Score 1) 189

I definitely second this one! The first time I had a deep fried turkey I was very skeptical until I noticed that it actually reduces the fat in the cooked bird while sealing in moisture, resulting in a final product that is flavourful, tender and quick! Besides, what can be more fun that standing around a big pot of hot oil, drinking beer and watching a turkey frying away. Just make sure you do it safely, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Listen to the wisdom of William Shatner :)

Submission + - NYPD Starts Body Camera Pilot Program (

An anonymous reader writes: In the wake of the Michael Brown shooting, calls for continuous recording of all police activity have been loud and strenuous. Now, one of the biggest police forces in the world will begin testing body cameras. The New York Police Department announced a pilot program to test the wearable cameras in high-crime districts. "[T]he participation of the New York department, with its 35,000 uniformed members and vast footprint on the country’s policing policy, could permanently shift the balance in favor of the cameras, which both civil libertarians and many police chiefs have cited as a way to improve relations between citizens and law enforcement, particularly in heavily policed minority communities." The NYPD will be testing hardware from two manufacturers: Vievu and Taser International. While the 60-camera pilot program will get running for about $60,000, IT costs are expected to quickly outstrip that amount.

Submission + - Mushroom-Like Organism May Be New Branch of Life

jones_supa writes: During a scientific cruise in 1986, scientists collected organisms at water depths of 400m and 1,000m on the south-east Australian continental slope, near Tasmania. But the two types of mushroom-shaped organisms were recognized only recently, after sorting of the bulk samples collected during the expedition. A team of scientists at the University of Copenhagen says the tiny organism does not fit into any of the known subdivisions of the animal kingdom. The organisms are described in the academic journal Plos One. The authors of the paper recognise two new species of mushroom-shaped animal: Dendrogramma enigmatica and Dendrogramma discoides. Measuring only a few millimetres in size, the animals consist of a flattened disc and a stalk with a mouth on the end. One way to resolve the question surrounding Dendrogramma's affinities would be to examine its DNA, but new specimens will need to be found. The team's paper calls for researchers around the world to keep an eye out for other examples.

Comment Re:Tech Management? (Score 3, Insightful) 167

Even without wanting to move to a non-tech area or become management, understanding the business side of things gives insight into how/why decisions get made. It can also allow you to make calls as to which features you will implement when faced with a limited budget or other item not related to the technology. I have found it allows me to make better decisions based on pragmatic reasons and fight the fights that are really important, rather than wasting time on something that is technically not overly important but to a business person is apparently critical.

Take care to not let the business-think take over your mind though, you may wake screaming from the cognitive dissonance that seems to be a requirement for senior business people to operate.


Submission + - Scrabble needs a new scoring system (

innocent_white_lamb writes: A researcher says that some letters are over valued and some are under-valued in Scrabble, due to recent changes to the lists of allowable words. Z and X are now much easier to play and should be worth less, while U, M and G should be worth more than they are now. Joshua Lewis wrote a program to re-calculate the value of each letter to better reflect the current usage. The co-president of the North American Scrabble Players Association says that he often hears criticism of Scrabble's scoring system, but any change would bring about "catastrophic outrage". A spokesman for Mattel says that they have no plans to change the game.

Comment Re:GEM (Score 1) 654

Same here. We started with the Atari 400, an 8-bit system that had a membrane keyboard that may typing out BASIC apps from Byte magazine as appealing as banging your fingers on a wall for hours although I persevered and learned how to code at the same time :)

When we got the 520ST and later moved to a Mega2, it blew us away. A "huge" amount of memory, good CPU, MIDI support and integrate GUI. It was sad when Atari faded away as it seemed like a good balance against Commodore and Apple. Microsoft DOS/Windows seemed to primitive by comparison

Comment Re:Please FIX the system dont PATCH it (Score 4, Insightful) 167

I definitely agree with this comment but I think that the bill being proposed is something that should be expanded far beyond patents. Allowing judges to force the plaintiffs to pay for an unsuccessful suit against the defendants in all cases would help limit spurious legal cases. If groups like RIAA had to pay when they lost the case against someone, it would go a long way to reduce these legal manoeuvres against people who cannot afford it.

Comment Re:The Risks of Iron Fertilization (Score 1) 407

During her Oceanography degree, my wife came up with a great analogy for ideas like this (she loves baking too, hence the subject of the analogy :):

Imagine you were baking a cake and added too much salt. You decide to fix this by adding more flour to balance it out. This means you need to add more egg and liquid to balance out the flour. Unfortunately you are out of eggs so you need to find a substitute. Your substitute throws the flavour off so you need to add more to fix that. Now you realize your container is too small so you have to find a new container to hold this....

It becomes a constant fight of trying to fix the imbalance created when you throw a complex biological system out of whack. The above post lists some possible consequences but there are more we have not thought of. Fixing a symptom does not cure the disease.

Comment Functional (Score 5, Insightful) 370

This is a complaint I have heard a lot in my programming career. In my own experience, most coders I have worked with are focused on functionality and simplicity; getting as much information out there in as straightforward a manner as possible. Often, this means "ugly" to non-CS people. Personally, I find Wikipedia easy to read and easy to navigate. Sure, it may not have graphics popping out everywhere or things dancing across the screen but when I hit WP, all I want is information.

Now, could it be better? Possibly. It is easy enough to create a new skin for it and give it some zip but I doubt the team would ever make it a default. WP is meant to be accessed on any device, through any type of connection (although it does have some issues in that department).

If I want lots of useless clutter, I will go to any number of large news organizations' websites.

Comment Adblock (Score 1) 646

My kids are 10 and 7 so they are in that range where the Internet is more than just pbskids or other sites. All I have and all I will ever have is Adblock which removes most of the annoying ads or things that could come onto the screen by accident. However, this is as much for the parents as it is for the kids.

Our take on this is that we need to teach our kids how to use the Internet safely and effectively. We cannot police them 24/7 and even if we tried, it would only serve as incentive to break through and see what is out there (prohibition makes things taboo and therefore irresistible to a curious mind). As they get older we help them understand the more complex aspects of humanity but just getting a good foundation has let them learn how to discern what they see for themselves. They have seen disturbing items on news sites which they have asked us about and have actively avoided afterwards because they just cannot deal with it right now (try teaching a 7 year old about suicide bombers or why people hate other people and you will see what I mean). We have also taught them to not believe the first thing they see and to try to verify from unrelated sources anything they read or see.

We are raising our kids to be adults; preventing them from being able to access the world and then tossing them into it when they turn 18 (or whatever age in your country) is not helpful for anyone.

Submission + - Programming at Work

An anonymous reader writes: Hello! Every summer (and other holidays) the work load at my job becomes minimal. I like scripting (HTML, CSS etc.) and would like to get into programming just to tinker a bit due to curiosity.

At work we are not allowed to install anything except company approved software. Is there something I can program in that has an IDE like I guess I am asking for a recommendation on both language and IDE at the same time. Again, I want to reiterate that this is to satisfy my tinkering curiosity and thus not need something great, just something more advanced than HTML/CSS.

Submission + - AMD Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition: Taking Back The Crown (

An anonymous reader writes: The benchmarks are in for the Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition. Starting at $500, AMD's new single-GPU flagship boosts the original 7970's clock speed from 925 MHz to 1 GHz (1050 MHz with Boost). The GHz Edition also sports 3 GB of faster 1500 MHz GDDR5 memory, pushing 288 GB/s as opposed to 264 GB/s. While the AMD reference board runs hot and loud, retail boards will use different cooling solutions. A simple test of aftermarket GPU coolers shows that any other option will shave degrees and slash decibels. But it's the Catalyst 12.7 beta driver that really steals the show for AMD, pushing FPS scores into overdrive. With the new Catalyst, Nvidia’s GeForce GTX 670 can no longer beat the original Radeon HD 7970 and the GHz Edition outmaneuvers the GeForce GTX 680 in most cases. However, when factoring price and possible overclocking into the equation, the original Radeon HD 7970 and GeForce GTX 670 remain the high-end graphics cards to beat.

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