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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:Oh, the timing...  *Thursday August 21, 2014 @09:38AM  2
   attached to Linus Torvalds: 'I Still Want the Desktop'
Better link   *Thursday July 12, 2012 @04:19PM  5, Informative
   attached to Canada's Supreme Court Strikes Down Copyright Fees On Music, Video
Opera Slashdot!  *Wednesday November 24, 2010 @09:51AM 2 5, Informative
   attached to Opera 11 Beta Released, With Extensions Support
Re:But where was Android during the funeral?  *Saturday September 11, 2010 @09:12PM  2
   attached to Microsoft Holds iPhone Funeral Event
Re:Bad, bad mistake.  *Friday July 16, 2010 @08:49AM  2
   attached to Senate Bill Adds Shuttle Flight, New Shuttle-Derived Vehicle
Re:P/E Ratio  *Thursday May 27, 2010 @12:04AM  2
   attached to Apple Surpasses Microsoft In Market Capitalization
Opera  *Monday May 10, 2010 @11:06PM  2
   attached to Canonical Bringing an Instant-On Ubuntu
Re:No, Seriously...  *Thursday January 14, 2010 @11:42PM 1 2
   attached to Google Attackers Identified as Chinese Government
Strangelove  *Saturday November 14, 2009 @11:57AM 1 4, Funny
   attached to US Cybersecurity Plan Includes Offense
Re:Holy shit?  *Sunday September 20, 2009 @12:40AM  2
Re:Holy shit?  *Tuesday September 15, 2009 @06:42PM 1 2
   attached to Heart Monitors In Middle School Gym Class?
Re:Not a great man  *Sunday September 13, 2009 @08:47PM 1 2
   attached to Father of Green Revolution, Norman Borlaug, Dies at 95
Re:The link to solve the problem  *Tuesday April 21, 2009 @10:49AM 1 5, Informative
   attached to BT Blocks Access To Pirate Bay
Re:Industry wins in court of law  *Friday April 17, 2009 @08:57AM  2
Re:Industry wins in court of law  *Friday April 17, 2009 @08:49AM 1 2
   attached to Pirate Bay Trial Ends In Jail Sentences
Clean coal doesn't seem that great.  *Wednesday April 15, 2009 @03:45PM 3 4, Informative
   attached to Energy Secretary Chu Endorses "Clean Coal"
Re:the warrant states a crime  *Tuesday April 14, 2009 @05:16PM 1 3, Insightful
   attached to College Police Think Using Linux Is Suspicious Behavior
Re:It's a loan not a bailout.  *Monday April 13, 2009 @01:45PM  2
   attached to Tesla CEO Says Gov't Loan Is 99% Sure and Deserved
Re:Common Law  *Tuesday April 07, 2009 @03:45PM 1 2
Re:Common Law  *Tuesday April 07, 2009 @03:43PM 1 2
   attached to Conviction of Sen. Ted Stevens Is Thrown Out
Re:No,he is very clever :)  *Sunday April 05, 2009 @01:40PM 4 2
   attached to Obama Calls For Nuke-Free World
Re:that was fast  *Sunday April 05, 2009 @12:32PM 1 2
   attached to Designer Accused of Copying His Own Work By Stock Art Website
Other sources:  *Friday April 03, 2009 @11:23AM 2 3, Informative
   attached to Trick Used To Pass French "Three Strikes"
Re:So your point is?  *Friday April 03, 2009 @09:57AM  5, Interesting
   attached to After Sweden's New Law, a Major Drop In Internet Traffic

Mirrors should reflect a little before throwing back images. -- Jean Cocteau
