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Comment Re:No, Seriously... (Score 1) 651

We will see 6-10% inflation for 3 to 8 years sometime in the next 15 years, because that is the ONLY way the US government can get out of the financial hole we are in.

That's one way. Another way would be to slash government spending, and raise taxes. Actually, the U.S. government is on a better footing than a number of countries, such as say, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Britain or even Japan (with more than 100% of GDP worth of debt). Greece is dealing with it now slashing benefits and raising taxes. To obvious huge political cost.

It doesn't matter who will be running the US in 5 years; Democrat or Republican, they're going to have to raise taxes or/and cut spending.

Comment Re:Not a great man (Score 1) 227

Your statement is completely incorrect. Famine does not exist to any great extent today, 40 years after Borlaug's seeds went to Pakistan.

I don't think you meant to make that broad a statement, but I'll correct you anyway; famine does exist today. Many countries, especially in Africa and Asia face starvation. Here's two BBC articles, one from 2003 and the other from 2009, referring to famines.

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