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Comment Re: Sounds like Humankind (Score 1) 62

You really aren't. It bogs you down in micro more than civ 4/5/6 does and has a bad habit of not clearly explaining what/why things are happening. I wanted to like it -- I mean I like endless space 1 and 2. I didn't really get into endless legend though which might have been a bad sign.

I'm hopeful Firaxis has this under control, but I'm a lot more concerned with 7 than I was when 6 was coming out. 6 was very much iterative on 5. 7 looks more revolutionary and I'm not sure that's a good thing.

Comment Re:can an electronics engineer please do the math (Score 0) 126

Or it'd require a car to have a really low drag coefficient, so that you get a lot of range out of the size battery you have. Like a Lucid Air. Or the Aptera if they ever actually deliver them. I mean, Aptera expects 10 miles/kWh. That works out to a 60 kWh pack for a 600 mile range. That's a smaller pack than most current gen EVs in the US ship and double or more the range.

Comment What a failure of branding... (Score 1) 288

This isn't to understand how to cool the planet. This is a study of geology. Volcanic eruptions will dump stuff (including sulfur dioxide!) that high in the atmosphere. This is just us re-doing that experiment without some of the confounding factors. If it happens to show cooling great you learned something extra. Or maybe you learned to more accurately compute how much SO2 the volcano is ejecting.

Comment Don't implement features, get paid anyway! (Score 1) 177

Sounds like a great gig for a company that couldn't figure out how to do the same button scrolling method on the marble mouse that X has done for... decade(s?).

Not that it matters since they killed off the marble mouse. No, thanks, I won't be paying a subscription to you... nor apparently buying any more of your pointer products.

Comment Re:Running out of EV customers? (Score 1) 238

Amortization fail by your average american. I don't know the last time I went to a gas station. Like... I really don't. I'd have to go look in the gas car's log book (yes, we still keep one -- weird, I know). The answer will be measured in weeks or months.

Do I spend +10-15 minutes per charging stop on the one or two long trips we take a year in the EV? Yes. Do I spend -5 minutes weekly by skipping the gas station? Also yes... So -260 minutes or +15 x how many times am I really going to stop to charge on a vacation? Usually maybe 2 each way? I'll take 2-3 hours back per year. Plus I don't have to breathe gas fumes, listen to whatever passes for music thumping from the "pimp my ride" contestant two spots over, or watch the jacked up pickup decide to fuel while running and smoking because, you know, he's invincible because truck.

I would say you need L2 charging with your parking. So SFH + garage, or condo/apartment but only if you have dedicated parking + can get a charger put in. You also need to not tow stuff very far (kills range) and not take super long road trips (we'll travel a state or two but none of this snowbird MN to FL stuff).

Comment Re:Thats NOT a UBI experiment (Score 4, Insightful) 370

The conservatives oppose them because rich conservatives tell them to oppose them, because other rich conservatives own large chunks of the prison industrial complex, or its ancillaries (eg, police equipment manufacturers) and it would be terrible if those folks went broke and had to get a real job.

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