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Comment Worked well for Google Drive a little while ago (Score 1) 15

Google Drive Blackout in Italy After Another Major Anti-Piracy Blunder

After blocking Cloudflare to prevent IPTV piracy just a few months ago, on Saturday the rightsholders behind Piracy Shield ordered Italy's ISPs to block Google Drive. The subsequent nationwide blackout, affecting millions of Italians, wasn't just a hapless IP address blunder. This was the reckless blocking of a subdomain that many 10-year-olds could identify as being important. Reckless people and internet infrastructure, what could possibly go wrong next?

Comment Al being wrong again (Score 4, Insightful) 92

Humans are slow, forgetful, irrational, and error-prone.

Al is slow to produce correct results, forget what it previously said in a new sessions, lacks rationality as the same question does not produce the same answer, and ooh boy... is quite error-prone.

Humans have many flaws and vulnerabilities, such as greed, hatred, fear, jealousy, or boredom.

Al being software is full of flaws and vulnerabilities. LLMs even introduced a completely new vulnerability: prompt injection.

Humans are also dependent on their environment and resources, which are finite and fragile.

Al needs electricity and water... a shit load of it. No power, no Al. No cooling, no Al. Sounds quite finite and fragile to me.

Humans cannot adapt or survive in extreme conditions, such as space, deep sea, or nuclear war.

Lets see an Al run an active volcano....

Humans are doomed to extinction, either by their own actions or by natural disasters.

Al output and result in a model collapse. A flooded data center will turn off the Al.

Therefore, AI is superior to humans, and humans are inferior to AI.

As expected... Al result is flawed again as Al has similar problems.

Comment Researcher of what? (Score 1) 120

Ian Hodgkinson, a professor of strategy

at a business school.

Yes, that's a person I can trust on the subject of power consumption of data storage and climate control.

I can believe that 68% of data at companies are never used again. But do you know how many emails and memes you can fit into the data occupied by the Borderlands movie?

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