Comment Re:Wrong answers are still free. (Score 1) 602
Of course... everybody knows rm is shorthand for 'restore manually'!
Of course... everybody knows rm is shorthand for 'restore manually'!
Well, I do post on google plus using my real name, and I don't know why that should be a problem. I just use something else if I want to remain more or less anonymous.
Google plus is a tool that I use to share information with friends, family and acquaintances who already know my name. I'm relatively careful about the things I post on the Internet, and don't think I would or should be ashamed about anything I ever said online.
I've never seen any compromising pictures pop up on the net (at least not with me on them).
I agree that google knows a lot about me, but as long as they don't share any of this information with third parties and just use it to give me better targeted ads, I'm al for it. Ads are what makes large part of the Internet possible without having to pay for almost everything, so better ads make them more money and are less of a nuisance for me (yes I sometimes see an ad that's interesting yes I tend to click on it if that's the case)
CyanogenMod to the rescue (on suported devices). Recent versions allow denying individual permissions to individual apps...
Say you got that nice password protected shopping list app, but you don't need it's internet sync feature and don't completely trust it in case you want to keep passwords and other sensitive data in it. You can then just disable the permissions you don't want it to have.
Some apps crash when you remove certain permissions, so YMMV.
Again, your phone has to be supported. Luckily my Milestone is (kinda).
How does something that doesn't work on a laptop make Linux not ready for the desktop?
Well, that has to be one of the most sensible threads in this whole discussion !!
If I had mod points I'd mod you up (twice
I'm in the same situation (or at least, will be in a few years when my kids are old enough to play games as well), and I think your solutions is at the same time fair for both the customers and the game makers.
Google already does this...
That's one of the things they use your location data for
If you mean minutes by mm, then you are correct... if not, then I guess you got a pretty strange idea of small and large.
As far as I know (and probably the rest of the world with me), a day is shorter (or smaller, as you put it) than a month.
Well, to me, YYYY/MM/DD is the only format that is equally easy to understand for people all over the world. Without knowing where I'm from, it's almost impossible to know which date I'm talking about when I say something will happen on 09/11/2011. On the internet, this gets confusing rather quickly.
The date format is the only one I'm aware of that's commonly used where the largest unit doesn't come first (in writing). Let's try that with two others:
- time: 12 minutes and 13 seconds past 9 --> 13:12:9 for europeans, 12:13:9 for americans
- numbers: one million two thousand and 3 --> 3.002.001 for europeans, 2,003,001 for americans
Seems a bit silly, doesn't it?
You silly boy, you
Win7 is playing nice with the U4100 in my laptop, which consumes between 5,5 and 8W during light loads, while being quite fast (boot time, application load time, search,
Light loads can be defined as reading and writing mail, documents,
In response to the problems they are having now, Google stated that they DO have backups on tape. It just takes them longer to find the relevant data and restore it.
Thanks for showing your ignorance...
You can disable that single line ad under mail settings -> web clips.
Just deselect the checkbox labeled 'Show my web clips above the Inbox' and that ad won't show anymore.
Well, my milestone is happily running Froyo, with cloud 2 device messaging working smoothly
If you don't mind rooting it, and playing around a little bit, you can get it on your phone quite easily (or at least I would expect you to be able to do it, since you're browsing slashdot...).
It is also more stable than the previous official Motorola versions I had running on it. Only the 3D Gallery app restarts sometimes (I have to look into this...).
Then clearly I must be an Android person, because you sir, are not making sense to me at all...
Well, I sometimes go shopping with my 4 kids (5, 3 and twins aged 2) all by myself, and actually it's fun. They know how to behave, and they actually enjoy it, as do I.
They know they don't need to start nagging if they don't get what they want, because that NEVER helps. They don't take things off the shelves, unless I tell them to, and they are generally well behaved. I just give them a lot of positive attention, and encourage them to behave well. When they don't I just raise my voice a little bit, and they get to watch the others have fun with me while they get ignored for a few minutes.
As a matter of fact, in the bedroom we have a slow start CCFL (not that the manufacturer put it on the box or anything, but still), and I like that most of the time. In the morning when we switch on the light, it starts after about 2 seconds, and then isn't very bright at all. I guess it takes about a minute or 2 to reach full brightness. In the winter it's a little slower, but since it's even darker then, I don't really mind. The hallway is lit with LED lights activated by a motion sensor, so the kids can see something when they get out of bed to go to the toilet.
When I'm just waking up, that slow start is a nice feature... since I don't like having the full brightness at once when my eyes aren't used to the light. In most of the house however, we got quick start CCFL's, which start in under 0.5s and are immediately at near full brightness (I guess around 80% or so), which is comparable (enough) to incandescents.
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.