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Comment Re: Investor accountability (Score 1) 197

The fact that you are willing to shift blame onto a third party (to whit, the parents) who did not participate and quite often have had zero knowledge of the event for years following: But, you won't place any blame on the supplier, an active participant who knows full well they are misleading and deceiving in order to make a fast buck and damn the consequences.

The transaction is a two party event and that you seem to think an ignorant and naive child is solely responsible for being mislead into addiction shows a level of moral bankruptcy on your part that is beyond the pale. I hope someday you grow up.

Comment Re: Investor accountability (Score 1) 197

If you don't see victims then you aren't looking.

How many people wiped out their family savings fighting lung cancer because they started smoking in K-12? How many people became addicted to opioids after going through a major surgery? Society is full of families impoverished by medical expenses fighting the consequences of addiction - the people who try to take responsibility don't look like degenerates, people just financially wiped out and barely making a living because of addiction messed up their lives - through no fault of their own.

Society was like that elementary school student who started smoking, to naive to understand; and when the petrochemical industry started burying the research saying that the environment was at risk in order to maintain profits, when they started actively lobbying to delay, defer and deny any legislative correction, that is when they became culpable. All those profits should be attached to correcting the problem they knowingly created because they chose money over doing the right thing.

Comment Re: Investor accountability (Score 1) 197

Buy all means, lets blame the tweenagers for acquiring an addiction - it's all their fault... or rather No, let's NOT.

Society was pushed into it's petroleum addiction and the petro industry bears a huge responsibility for that, especially considering that it continues to perpetrate disinformation in order to maintain that addiction.

Comment Re:Just create a govt. (zero profit) loan (Score 1) 177

The definition of subsidy is 'a grant'. A loan is not a grant.

Further, under my proposal, it is not the government that would guarantee the loan, it is the other students who have loans, more specifically it is their loan interest that guaranties the loans. Not to mention that if a student knows that defaulting would be hurting other students and not some nebulous 'sticking it to the government', I would expect that defaults would be far fewer.

You might want to review common definitions before jumping on the rhetoric band wagon.

Comment Just create a govt. (zero profit) loan (Score 4, Interesting) 177

If you think education is a societal benefit then lobby to have a govt issued loan for students where the interest is the real time insurance over all outstanding defaults. If nobody defaults there is no interest accrued on anyone's loan. if 5% of students default then the interest is exactly the right amount to cover the 5% loss from the program.

Doesn't cost the govt. a dime and doesn't enable lender grift on a social benefit. Won't fix the institutional (Universities, etc.) price gouging, but it at least stops predatory lending.

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