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Comment Re:Nintendo may win the battle... (Score 1) 59

This whole idea that Nintendo is evil is pretty dumb if you ask me. Nintendo is a company that makes money by making game systems and games. What it's doing is protecting its assets. I actually think Nintendo had been pretty reasonable when it came to emulation in the past. However, developers crossed the line when they decided that a current gen system was fair game. If Sony or Microsoft were having to deal with a similar situation (current gen exclusives being played on PC or other unsupported systems) then you can bet they would be at least as bad as Nintendo are being.

Comment Re:What has actually improved? (Score 1) 73

I have an OLED TV. It's got some burn in issues (it's 9 years old) but I still think it is pretty good. I would likely get another OLED TV. However, I have learnt that there is content that I would use with it and content I would not. For example, the top left hand corner has hearts from BOTW burnt in. Fortunately they're only visible occasionally. Similarly I have a couple of youtube buttons that can be seen under the right circumstances. If I were to get a new OLED TV (and I probably will), it will not get used by a console and for youtube.

Why anyone thinks that displaying something like a desktop OS with many static elements is a good idea is beyond me. Yes you can use some tricks to reduce the impact but why should you adapt in this way? I also realise that OLED manufacturers have dealt with burn in to a degree. However, it's not eliminated. The future for PC screens is probably going to be microled, not OLED and not LCD. However, if you're the kind of person who replaces monitors/laptops frequently, maybe burn in is never an issue you will experience.

Comment Re:Could there be desktop linux benefits? (Score 1) 100

It may well be snappier but it is not RT.

Preempt is all about interrupting processing in favour of other processes. Unfortunately I was not able to find a good page to explain this after a quick google.

In practice, using RT for a desktop would probably mean performance would be slower, not faster. The overriding purpose of an RTOS is reliable and consistent processing time.

Comment Re:3D printer? (Score 1) 348

As is pretty clear, the problem is that no one seems to know why there is this sort of gun violence. Sure, people have theories, but that's all they are for now. This is the reason why people want to go after some of the other issues. I hope we do discover the cause. Until then, the best that can be done is trying to put in place limits.

Comment Re:Not much reason to stay anyway... (Score 1) 30

I do want more Star Trek. However, I don't think I've been getting that much. Discovery really is not Star Trek. SNW is somewhat Star Trek and I like it but it is still falling short. Lower Decks is surprisingly good and is quite good Star Trek. Not seen Prodigy so will not comment. Whilst I liked some of Picard, it was appealing to fans whilst not giving a great story. I still think that those who produce Star Trek to not understand it. Optimism is a fundamental part of Trek and there has not been enough of it, particularly in Discovery. I want Trek to continue but it needs a new set of producers.

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