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Comment Re:To be fair (Score 1) 68

If you want to hack on something and let the customers/users see if it works ok or not then go work for Microsoft.
Linux is where it is today by a steady keel making small adjustments along the way. And when the likes of Microsoft and others get involved those holding the keel on course need to beat off the Microsoft, and other devs, with a large orr so not to pollute and destroy what's put Linux where it is today.


Comment Re: dipshit (Score 4, Interesting) 134

He's always played up how smart he thought he was like his book attempting to forecast the future called something like "The Road Ahead".
So many times others were the great innovators and Bill and Steve spent millions and millions to crush those because they COULD threaten the Windows monopoly.
Sad that so many have no clue how he made his wealth and the many many lives of incredible innovators they destroyed or at the very least quieted to fringe areas of the technology segment.

I think he's feeling neglected as Musk and others are showing what intelligence and innovative minds can do and even with his billions he's on the back pages if at all being mentioned. He will sell books and people will continue to believe his stories and maybe some will be compelled to create something truly amazing and there won't be a Microsoft around to crush their dreams and efforts but instead they will get rewarded.

It is quite enjoyable being able to do so much on Linux based computing devices of all sizes and not have to touch Microsoft Windows.
After all, AI can now write code which doesn't need to run on Windows if you ask it to.

Remembering what the late great Douglas Adams once wrote:
"The idea that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armor to lead all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly ignores the fact that it was he who, by peddling second-rate technology, led them into it in the first place."
---Douglas Adams


Comment LOL, Elon has done wonders for Twitter (Score 1) 1605

That is so funny since not only has Trump won the hearts and minds of those on the Republican side he did so again using hate speeches and doing little more than saying over and over that Americans are in a bad place and it's all because of Biden and Harris. As for Elon Musk, his track record for creating productive working environments is legonday. He took a $44 billion dollar company and gutted it of most all its employees, then required those remaining to sleep at the office. After over and over posting lies and misinformation most of the advertisers left the site resulting in a valuation now of around $9 billion. And to top it off, it's a cesspool of GOP lies about stolen elections, blaming Harris for much of what the Biden administration hasn't done like raise oil/fuel prices, raise food prices, etc.

So ya, what could possibly go wrong this time with Trump and Elon working together again. Oh and American's just loved the Chinese tariff war of his first administration. Wasn't the cause of a $3 billion US farming industry bailout?

America failed last night's IQ test.


Comment Re:A GUI on a Pi? (Score 1) 36

Yes but now they are defaulting to a windowing system which is slower and doesn't have the same capabilities so it requires more performance to run. That is not something you want on a CNC machine. I understand the post was in response to 'why would a user want a GUI on an rPi" but the reasons I'm seeing are also reasons why Wayland, nor a reduced featured Wayland, should not be defaulted on rPiOS.


Comment Re:I hope it's improved (Score 1) 36

But X is so inefficient and Wayland's design is so much better because it's new how can it possibly be slower than X?
What a joke Wayland is if only because it's being pushed by someone/someorg with an agenda which doesn't sold water but distro's are believing the scam.
I remember way back when IDEs were multi-windows with separate debugger windows from the code/source window, separate step and program control window and on multi-display systems it was great and even on a single display system which had multiple desktops it worked great. Windows didn't have multiple desktops and somebody at Microsoft decided a single app window container was better and the rest of the IDE developers followed them. It still sucks and I get that feeling with Wayland. Bad move, being new doesn't make it better and if it's slower it absolutely can't be better for users.

After all, who would benefit from Linux being slower and less useful?


Comment Re:Regulatory failure (Score 2) 52

IIRC the NTSB was not requiring the grounding of the 737Max in the US while across the world others were grounding it. Boeing was still toting the line that the two crashes were pilot error and a training problem. NOT the fact that their control system was based on a single sensor and they'd greatly increased the elevator response from just the trim tabs to the actual elevator.

And all this was because they Max had much larger engines which would have been too close to the ground mounted the same as the 737 so they moved them inward on the the wings which sifted the CG(center of gravity/balance) of the plane forward making it nose heavy and requiring MCAS changes. Hack after hack after hack. Did we ever find out who was responsible for these design changes such that they were pushed through and created a very unstable aircraft?


Comment time to stop the special CA blends then (Score 0) 132

California has had to deal with special blends of gasoline for over 40 years and in the beginning it made a difference on air quality. But for some reason the State government keeps those mandates on only the special blends being sold in California. ICE and emission system controls have improved considerably in the last 40 years so these mandates on specially made/mixed gasoline should be eradicated. Then they could shut down more of these California refineries without much change in price at the pump.

But with 25% of new car sales being EVs last year, there will be more and more refineries shut down just to keep the price of gasoline high enough to keep profiting in the billions annually.


Comment Re:they're just going to be abandoned (Score 2) 329

crazy thought but solar panels can be used to charge EVs and in States like California there is now so much solar from 9a-4pm home solar over-generators are paid less than 10 cents per kW and some utilities are complaining they have to pay out of State grid operators to take the excess electricity. So why aren't businesses offering EV charging during work hours? As for home owners, a couple of 15kWh batteries connected to a 5kW+ solar system can cover EV charging and run the house. Aren't all the Preppers putting up solar and BESS or are they staying away and relying on gasoline generators,or diesel, to get them through the zombie apocalypse? Watch any Zombie movie and know that the noise of the generator will attract the zombies and the zombie hunters so they'd also need an infinite supply of bullets along with the infinite supply of fuel. What's that? The sun has an infinite supply of output. Interesting.


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