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Comment Opposite Problem (Score 1) 82

The Zelle scams I've heard about is in the opposite direction. You sell something, like on say, Facebook Marketplace.

  • Scammer sends you money
  • Zelle gives you the money into your account
  • Scammer picks up the agreed upon goods
  • Scammer lies to Zelle, claiming they never received the goods
  • Zelle takes the money back out of your account
  • Zelle refunds the money to Scammer
  • Scammer never returns you the goods

Comment Google Maps (Score 2) 43

Google Maps needs something like this. Stop making the street names on the roads static like it's still a paper map. You're a dynamic screen, dammit. For every road you display, tell me the name of the road. Stop making me scroll 20 screen lengths just to find the name ... and then I have to scroll 20 more to get back to where I was!

Comment This is London Calling (Score 1) 46

Magnitude 4.5 quake from a concert:

My favorite Weekly World News tabloid story was about Chinese villages orchestrating jumps to bring destruction to America. Thankfully, they keep getting thwarted by a group of dedicated fat guys in Jersey carrying out "well-timed counter-jumps"

Comment Re:Wherever they go this time will be a repeat. (Score 1) 228

This sounds like both the Sundance episode of South Park and the Fred Armisen "hipsters come to Springfield" episode of The Simpsons.

Robert Redford: This is perfect. Why didn't we think of it sooner? This town still has some charm left, not the mess we turned Park City into.

Phyllis: Forgive me for being observant, but, won't we just end up doing the same thing to this town?

Robert Redford: Yes. And the town after, and the town after that. Like termites, we will move this film festival from town to town until we have used it up. And then move on, until every quiet mountain town is like Los Angeles.

Phyllis: Why? Why would we do such a thing?

Robert Redford: Because we have to live in L.A. And if we can't live in quiet, simple, peaceful mountain towns, then nobody will!

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