I'll once again stand by my past posts. Climate modelling is still way to uncertain (re primitive) to make predictions, or especially place blame. There simply is not enough known about the earth's system to get even close to modelling it reliably, let alone predict the future. The Planet has many more surprises left and won't miss any or all of us.
Now let all of us, especially you climate change religion types, just calm down and go back to saving the seals.
I'm a conservationist. Lets bury all those plastic bags until there is a market for them. Then just dig them up and make a dollar or three. The future is in recycling.
"There's been plenty of warmth in November and into December, including in Canada."
Ummm no.
This year was called the summer that wasn't All kinds of record lows were set in November and December across Canada and even the US. But hey that is just weather right?
You all missed my point made with my sarcasm and fascias remarks made in my posts. But I never expected either side to actually have a balanced look at what is happening.
To be completely honest. I welcome global warming. I want to know.
Meanwhile. The more electric I conserve, the higher my per kilowatt rate goes up. So I'm still paying more. Guess Ontario hydro (Re: tax income really) doesn't like the diminishing returns when we all conserve. Funny, but the exact same thing happened when everyone began using less water. Facts...not just some hypothesis. Check the data for yourself.
To tlhIngan
No it hasn't been shown. That's bull
There is no credible model that supports that! It's not proven. It's not even an accepted hypothesis!!! (in the broader scientific community). I would even dangerously put forth that this was propaganda. That story (hypothesis) was from a few years ago and has since been widely revised.
Gee and I thought there have been less hurricanes? But look it up. If you mention Sandy's destruction, you just prove my point.
Unlike people from Toronto, it is not the centre of the universe. As a conservationist, I don't see the point in turning science into a religion where the decided conclusion drives what is acceptable data.
Don't get me started on volcanoes. Even up to 5 years ago, many in the climate science said that volcanoes play no significant role in the present climate changes. This year they finally began to retract that belief, based on actually beginning to look at the data..
Why is it, that you must have some kind of god to believe in? How is it that the evidence supports your "to even greater certainties". You are the one that just dismisses data or studies that maybe counter to your belief system, claiming big oil is the reason for them. Prove it from any serious method and not by just quoting some tabloid story or conspiracy blog.. Hell, it wasn't until last year that science got the data on the antarctic ocean circulation was analyzed and discovered. Let alone it is one of, or the major influence on sea temp. Yet this data is not yet used in any of the models. How Dare you to presume climate science is in anyway mature yet. The arrogance is beyond belief!
Then why am I not under water by now, as where the so called 'solid' predictions of just 10 years ago said I would be? Why are only 1% of glaciers melting? and how is that significant? Why has the global temperature not risen in the last 10 years? Why hasn't new ice core data on how fast climate change has happened in the past been put into the climate models? I could go on and on, but your religion won't accept improved data because it may upset what you have already decided.
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.