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Submission + - NVIDIA Quadro M6000 12GB Maxwell Workstation Graphics Tested Showing Solid Gains (

MojoKid writes: NVIDIA's Maxwell GPU architecture has has been well-received in the gaming world, thanks to cards like the GeForce GTX Titan X and the GeForce GTX 980. NVIDIA recently took time to bring that same Maxwell goodness over the workstation market as well and the result is the new Quadro M6000, NVIDIA's new highest-end workstation platform. Like the Titan X, the M6000 is based on the full-fat version of the Maxwell GPU, the G200. Also, like the GeForce GTX Titan X, the Quadro M6000 has 12GB of GDDR5, 3072 GPU cores, 192 texture units (TMUs), and 96 render outputs (ROPs). NVIDIA has said that the M6000 will beat out their previous gen Quadro K6000 in a significant way in pro workstation applications as well as GPGPU or rendering and encoding applications that can be GPU-accelerated. One thing that's changed with the launch of the M6000 is that AMD no longer trades shots with NVIDIA for the top pro graphics performance spot. Last time around, there were some benchmarks that still favored team red. Now, the NVIDIA Quadro M6000 puts up pretty much a clean sweep.

Submission + - Maglev train exceeds 600km/h for world record (

nojayuk writes: NHK is reporting todat that an experimental Japanese maglev train has reached a speed of 603 km/h , breaking the world speed record the same train set last week of 590 km/h.

Submission + - IT worker's lawsuit accuses Tata of discrimination (

dcblogs writes: An IT worker is accusing Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) of discriminating against American workers and favoring "South Asians" in hiring and promotion. It's backing up its complaint, in part, with numbers. The lawsuit, filed this week in federal court in San Francisco, claims that 95% of the 14,000 people Tata employs in the U.S. are South Asian or mostly Indian. It says this practice has created a "grossly disproportionate workforce." India-based Tata achieves its "discriminatory goals" in at least three ways, the lawsuit alleges. First, the company hires large numbers of H-1B workers. Over from 2011 to 2013, Tata sponsored nearly 21,000 new H-1B visas, all primarily Indian workers, according to the lawsuit's count. Second, when Tata hires locally, "such persons are still disproportionately South Asian," and, third, for the "relatively few non-South Asians workers that Tata hires," it disfavors them in placement, promotion and termination decisions.

Submission + - West Antarctic Ice Sheet, is being melted by geothermal heat from below (

bricko writes: Thwaites Glacier, the large, rapidly changing outlet of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, is not only being eroded by the ocean, it's being melted from below by geothermal heat, researchers at the Institute for Geophysics at The University of Texas at Austin (UTIG) report in the current edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The findings significantly change the understanding of conditions beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet where accurate information has previously been unobtainable.

The Thwaites Glacier has been the focus of considerable attention in recent weeks as other groups of researchers found the glacier is on the way to collapse, but more data and computer modeling are needed to determine when the collapse will begin in earnest and at what rate the sea level will increase as it proceeds. The new observations by UTIG will greatly inform these ice sheet modeling efforts.

Comment Same old, same old (Score 1) 5

I'll once again stand by my past posts. Climate modelling is still way to uncertain (re primitive) to make predictions, or especially place blame. There simply is not enough known about the earth's system to get even close to modelling it reliably, let alone predict the future. The Planet has many more surprises left and won't miss any or all of us.

Now let all of us, especially you climate change religion types, just calm down and go back to saving the seals.

I'm a conservationist. Lets bury all those plastic bags until there is a market for them. Then just dig them up and make a dollar or three. The future is in recycling.

Submission + - Adobe's new ebook DRM will leave existing users out in the cold come July (

Nate the greatest writes: Whether it's EA and SimCity, the Sony rootkit scandal, or Ubisoft, we've all read numerous stories about companies using DRM in stupid ways that harm their customers, and now we can add Adobe to the list. Adobe has just announced a new timeline for adoption of their recently launched DRM, and it's going to take your breath away.

In a video posted to Youtube, Adobe reps have stated that Adobe expects all of their ebook partners to start adopting the new DRM in March. This is the same DRM that was launched only a few weeks ago and is already causing problems, but that hasn't stopped Adobe. They also expect all the stores that use Adobe's DRM to sell ebooks (as well as the ebook app and ebook reader developers) to have fully adopted the new ebook DRM by July 2014. That's when Adobe plans to end support for the old DRM (which everyone is using now). Given the dozens and dozens of different ebook readers released over the past few years, including models from companies that have gone under, this is going to present a significant problem for a lot of readers. Few, if any, will be updated in time to meet Adobe's deadline, and that's going to leave many readers unable to buy DRMed ebooks.

Submission + - Using Nanotechnology to Build Thinner, Stronger Condoms

Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes: Discovery Magazine reports that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has granted $100,000 to Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) and Boston Medical Center (BMC) to develop a nanoparticle coating for condoms that will make them more comfortable and stronger while simultaneously keeping them thin to preserve – and increase – sensation in order to make them more appealing to use. According to the Gates Foundation, in the time that condoms have been in use, not much has changed: "[Condoms] have undergone very little technological improvement in the past 50 years. The primary improvement has been the use of latex as the primary material and quality-control measures, which allow for quality testing of each individual condom. Material science and our understanding of neurobiology has undergone revolutionary transformation in the last decade, yet that knowledge has not been applied to improve the product attributes of one of the most ubiquitous and potentially underutilized products on earth." The nanotechnology that the Boston doctors intend to use for their improved condoms will be superhydrophillic nanoparticles that coat the condom and trap water to make them more resilient and easier to use. "We believe that by altering the mechanical forces experienced by the condom, we may ultimately be able to make a thinner condom which reduces friction, thereby reducing discomfort associated with friction increases pleasure, thereby increasing condom use and decreases rates of unwanted pregnancy and infection transmission."

Submission + - Feds announce test sites for drone aircraft ( 1

SpaceGhost writes: The Associated Press reports "The Federal Aviation Administration announced six states on Monday that will develop test sites for drones, a critical next step for the march of the unmanned aircraft into U.S. skies". The sites will be in Alaska, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Texas and Virginia. They quote Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx saying "These test sites will give us valuable information about how best to ensure the safe introduction of this advanced technology into our nation's skies". This is a first step to allowing commercial drone use.

Comment Re:In related news (Score 1, Flamebait) 552

"There's been plenty of warmth in November and into December, including in Canada."
Ummm no.
This year was called the summer that wasn't All kinds of record lows were set in November and December across Canada and even the US. But hey that is just weather right?

You all missed my point made with my sarcasm and fascias remarks made in my posts. But I never expected either side to actually have a balanced look at what is happening.

To be completely honest. I welcome global warming. I want to know.
Meanwhile. The more electric I conserve, the higher my per kilowatt rate goes up. So I'm still paying more. Guess Ontario hydro (Re: tax income really) doesn't like the diminishing returns when we all conserve. Funny, but the exact same thing happened when everyone began using less water. Facts...not just some hypothesis. Check the data for yourself.

Comment Re:In related news (Score 0) 552

To tlhIngan
No it hasn't been shown. That's bull

There is no credible model that supports that! It's not proven. It's not even an accepted hypothesis!!! (in the broader scientific community). I would even dangerously put forth that this was propaganda. That story (hypothesis) was from a few years ago and has since been widely revised.

Gee and I thought there have been less hurricanes? But look it up. If you mention Sandy's destruction, you just prove my point.


Comment Re:Will AGW deniers apologize or disappear? (Score 0) 552

Why is it, that you must have some kind of god to believe in? How is it that the evidence supports your "to even greater certainties". You are the one that just dismisses data or studies that maybe counter to your belief system, claiming big oil is the reason for them. Prove it from any serious method and not by just quoting some tabloid story or conspiracy blog.. Hell, it wasn't until last year that science got the data on the antarctic ocean circulation was analyzed and discovered. Let alone it is one of, or the major influence on sea temp. Yet this data is not yet used in any of the models. How Dare you to presume climate science is in anyway mature yet. The arrogance is beyond belief!

Comment Re:Yet tiresome denialism will still reign supreme (Score 2) 552

Then why am I not under water by now, as where the so called 'solid' predictions of just 10 years ago said I would be? Why are only 1% of glaciers melting? and how is that significant? Why has the global temperature not risen in the last 10 years? Why hasn't new ice core data on how fast climate change has happened in the past been put into the climate models? I could go on and on, but your religion won't accept improved data because it may upset what you have already decided.

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