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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 11 declined, 4 accepted (15 total, 26.67% accepted)


Submission + - Unpublished J. D. Salinger Stories Leaked On Bittorrent Site 1

192_kbps writes: Catcher in the Rye author J. D. Salinger wrote the short story "The Ocean Full of Bowling Balls" and left depository copies with a few academic libraries with the understanding that the work would not see mass distribution until the mid-21st century. The only authorized place to read the story is in a special reading room at Princeton where electronics are not allowed and a librarian continuously babysits the reader. A pdf of the story as well as two other unpublished stories appeared on private bittorrent site where a huge bounty had been placed for the work. Incredibly, the uploader (or someone connected to the uploader) bought an unauthorized copy on ebay for a pittance. The file, Three Stories, is making the bittorrent rounds but can also be read on mediafire.

Submission + - Amateur Builds Telescope With 70-Inch Lens 1

192_kbps writes: Mike Clements, a long-haul trucker from West Jordan, Utah, built the largest amateur telescope ever with a whopping 70 inch primary mirror he purchased at auction. The entire telescope is 35 feet tall, 900 pounds, and he hopes to tour it in parks. As a hand-turned Dobsonian the telelscope lacks the photographic capacity and tracking required for professional astronomy but the views must be breathtaking.

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