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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 17 declined, 1 accepted (18 total, 5.56% accepted)


Submission + - Germany Bans "Hacking Tools" (

Sfing_ter writes: "This may be a bit late but German lawmakers have decided to ban "hacking tools", fta: ti-hacking_law/

"Updates to Germany's computer crime laws banning so-called 'hacking tools' have been criticised as ill-considered and counterproductive.

The revamp to the German criminal code is designed to tighten definitions, making denial of service attacks and attempts to sniff data on third-party wireless networks, for example, clearly criminal. Attacks would be punishable by a fine and up to 10 years imprisonment."

Sysadmins will be hard pressed to not break the law inadvertently. How long before our sena-tards and congre-tards in the US try something like this? Would Ted Stevens allow a pipe-wrench to be used on the tubes?

When Hacking Tools are banned only hackers will have Hacking Tools.... :)"

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