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Comment Re:BTW... (Score 0) 166

No, my sig is basically saying that the Patron Saint of Global Warming's actions belie his public propaganda.

You see, it's not that *I* don't believe in global warming, it's that Al Gore really doesn't believe in it either*.

* Oh, he believes in it as a profit-opportunity, but despite his rhetoric he doesn't think the apocalypse is upon us.

Comment BTW... (Score 1) 166

Since the Ivy-bridge random number generator is supposedly "unauditable" how are these researchers able to prove anything about re-doping a black box design? Shouldn't they just look at it and spot the massive array of transistors that spells out "NSA BACKDOOR UNIT" instead of having to worry about all this subterfuge?

Comment Fascinating... (Score 1, Insightful) 166

So all the NSA needs to do is kidnap your chip, microscopically re-dope it, and shove it back in your computer without you noticing!

Phew... I'm glad there are absolutely no other simpler ways for the NSA to spy on us other than re-doping chips! I'll just superglue mine into the socket so I know I'm safe.

Comment OPEN SOURCE GPU DRIVERS!!! (Score 5, Insightful) 68

It turns out that Bay Trail has some very solid performance numbers and that the power consumption is very good too, but frankly, you can get similar results from high-end ARM SoCs.

What you can't get, however, are 100% GLPd GPU drivers that are already in the mainline Linux kernel. THANK YOU INTEL and I hope this is a wakeup call to the ARM vendors that the days of crappy, unsupported binary blobs are hopefully coming to an end.

Comment Re:to bad intel sucks in some ways (Score -1, Flamebait) 75

4670K: $229 Proof: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116899
A10: $149 Proof: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113331

Even if the 4670K was twice the price.. .and it's not... the CPU is just a fraction of the total system price, so the delta gets even smaller.

You never owned a 4670K, and frankly given how well Intel supports its drivers under Linux, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want you doing anything that involves computers if you can't get a simple Linux installation running.. but then again, since you're lying, you never did any of those things anway.

Comment Re:to bad intel sucks in some ways (Score -1, Flamebait) 75

Guesss what moron: You can buy vastly cheaper Intel parts that are price competitive with AMD and still having faster performance. But since you are some irrational kick of comparing parts that shouldn't be compared, LET'S PLAY: AMD was stupid enough to release a $900 CPU that's provably slower in practically every workload than my boring old Haswell part that cost $550 less and doesn't cause the lights to dim when I turn it on. Therefore, I get to say that ALL AMD parts cost at least $550 too much using your irrational fanboy logic! YOU'RE WINNER!

Here are a couple more reasons:
1. Intel CPUs are only twice the price because you ignorantly choose to compare top-end Intel parts against AMD parts that have a fraction of the performance. P.S.: I know that you are a liar and that you never owned or even used a 4670K... because 4670K goes for $229 on Newegg, while that magic A10 part goes for $150... Now you obviously went to a young-earth creationist school, but here in "reality" $229 is a hell of a lot less than twice of $150..

Oh and I also know that AMD APUs don't magically make RAM, SSDs, etc. magically cheaper so the overall delta in system price is a joke when you consider the fact that the $229 4670K is guaranteed to be faster than AMD's 2014 product lineup where you get to spend another $150+ for Kaveri then spend more for a new motherboard... in order to be slower & guzzling more power than what you could have already owned. So, please, tell me again how a new motherboard + $150 APU is CHEAPER than a system that is guaranteed to have a faster CPU, has a $75 video card that is guaranteed to give better performance, and has a lower power envelope.. I INVITE YOU.

Evidence, you stupid shill, something that you don't like to read:


Another reason why it's morally superior to buy Intel if you care about open source instead of just being some shill who acts like he is a God because he made it halfway through an Ubuntu install once:
AMD has dumped some out of date documentation on the internet for third parties to do their Linux driver development for free... Intel *pays* people to develop the entire Linux graphics stack.. and yes, that includes pretty much the entire infrastructure that makes it possible for any AMD gpu to run in Linux. If you want to be such a purist do this: Take out all the code that bad-old Intel wrote and see how well your amazing AMD graphics work on Linux, now do the reverse with AMD & Intel: guess what still runs fine because AMD doesn't do squat for the Linux graphics stack?

I choose to do the morally right thing (and intelligent thing) by spending less than 10% more on the total purchase price to get parts that are faster on a price/performance basis than AMD in the CPU and support Linux. You obviously don't choose that, but please stop acting like anyone who doesn't goose-step to your marching music should be sent to a Kim-Jong camp, OK?

Comment Re:to bad intel sucks in some ways (Score 1) 75

If all you care about is the IGP and don't care about power consumption and don't mind using closed-source drivers if you need real 3D performance, then the A10 is nice.

If, like me, you care about CPU, then the very-high end Haswell parts are about twice the price but deliver more than twice the performance in a lower power envelope. You can also buy Haswell parts for lower prices that are still comfortably ahead of the A10 at any CPU-bound load and have even lower power envelopes.

Oh and if the GPU is really that vital, there's are these things called "under $100 discrete cards" that are easily ahead of any IGP made by any company and are not insanely expensive.

When I say they are ahead, let me put it in perspective: Next year's highest-end Kaveri parts will -- in a theoretically perfect world -- approach the performance of an HD 7750 that's by no means high-end. Oh, and they are guaranteed to have a higher power envelope and substantially lower CPU performance than the systems that I have already been running for several months. Oh, and don't expect them to be given away for free, and yes, you have to buy a new motherboard just to use one.

Comment Re:Good: APUs. Not so good: Server ARM (Score 1) 75

Yeah.. as a raspberry pi early adopter, lemme tell you something: You're full of it. It's irrelevant if some flavor of Linux has a particular version targeted at particular ARM platforms because AMD's ARM platform will have its own requirements that will require quite a bit of software work to ensure that a full, production-quality software stack can get running on it from day zero.

Trust me, if everything ARM + Linux was completely perfect, then Torvalds wouldn't be on his high-horse about ARM SoCs. ARM's customization is wonderful... for vendors that want to lock you in to a particular platform even if most of the software is open source. ARM's non-standardization and proprietary nature is a giant PITA in a whole bunch of other areas though.

Comment Re:Good: APUs. Not so good: Server ARM (Score 2) 75

Actually, Atom has had extremely competitive idle power draw going back several generations... the trick was that the idle power draw was best on the embedded platforms that were not widely released prior to Clovertrail and *not* on the desktop platforms where the separate chipset alone used more power than the CPU.

That's not my point, however. At best I'd expect those A57 parts to have performance parity with Avaton under load... and Intel has already solved the idle power draw issues, especially when it comes to SoCs.

Hey, if your servers sit around doing absolutely nothing all day, then I have a better idea: Turn them off and use zero power.

Comment Re:Good: APUs. Not so good: Server ARM (Score 1) 75

ARM fanboy quote from 2013: "So what if the [ARM server part] power envelope is larger if they spend more time in a lower power state?"

Intel fanboy quote from 2008: "So what if the [Intel Atom parts] power envelope is larger if they spend more time in a lower power state?"

Watch the wheel o' time turn & turn.

Comment Good: APUs. Not so good: Server ARM (Score 4, Insightful) 75

The Kaveri-based APUs in servers are certainly not going to be great for every workload, but for servers that can take advantage of GPU compute, they give AMD a unique advantage in a competitive server environment.

Those ARM parts on the other hand have proven one thing: Just because ARM (and more importantly, Qualcomm) make good chips for smartphones doesn't mean that ARM is magic and can avoid physics.

  The 8 core Cortex A57 parts on AMD's roadmap for late 2014 have a 50% higher power envelope than the high-end 8-core Avoton parts that Intel has on sale *this year* (30 watts vs. 20 watts). By the time they launch, Intel will either have launched or be on the verge of launching 14nm microserver parts. These things are a nice prototype, and AMD is easily the best vendor for ARM servers since it has experience in the server world, but ARM ain't about to take over the server room at this pace.

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