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Comment Re:Mixed-handedness (Score 1) 260

I too, found this out from wikipedia. I had always identified as right-handed (since that's the hand I hold a pen and mouse with), but I have a task-specific affinity with each hand. It explains how I could be "right-handed" while my mother is left-handed and my father is ambidextrous.

Comment Re:Jackpot? (Score 1) 243

I love Tesla, and I think they've got the right idea with the design top-down approach. But I don't know if I'd buy one even if I could afford them. They may have near-zero routine maintenance costs compared to an ICE car (gas or diesel) but how much does a replacement for that battery pack run when it comes due? And how often? I have yet to find solid numbers for maximum lifespan in miles, or replacement cost. Neither are things Tesla Motors wants to share, and I don't blame them.

For the record, I own a $3600 Mercedes (a diesel W123). Unlike Tesla's cars, there is a thriving used market for those.

Comment Re:Rock & A Hard Place (Score 1) 564

They do if they're there long enough, that's the problem with unions. They don't reward performance, they reward tenure. I've had the displeasure of dealing with some truly hopeless postal employees in the past.

$25/hr is a shitload of money. While our minimum wage is certainly out of step with CoL, you aren't seriously suggesting that ALL labor is worth that much money? A change that drastic would have adverse economic effects.

Comment Re:Pfui! My country's post system does a better jo (Score 1) 564

They used to have a spotless record with me until about four years ago. They've since lost rent checks twice, and a government document with a $1250 check was lost/stolen as well. However, they don't break things into little bits like UPS seems to like doing. I still prefer sending important things by FedEx. They have never lost/broken anything, and I shipped a 50lb laser printer 1200 miles with them for $14. Fully insured, at that.

Comment Rock & A Hard Place (Score 5, Insightful) 564

If we let the USPS operate as they should (a taxpayer-funded government agency) then they wouldn't have to worry about financial solvency, and we could get mail every day of the week.

There are plenty of other things we could do, too. Like toss out all those union fucks making $35/hr and hire twice as many people from the welfare pool at a reasonable living wage. They'd have jobs, and we'd cut costs.

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