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Comment Re:Who uses Google+ for business? (Score 1) 341

Personally, I think anybody who uses a free service as part of their way of doing business has a screw loose.
You are putting your business at the mercy of an organization that has no contractual reason to support you


If you have information that is to precious to lose, don't depend on a free service. Do it yourself or at least have the common sense to make the other party contractually obligated.

Comment Re:No professional developer uses WYSIWYG (Score 1) 342

This. "DOM structure matters"

If you you are making an interactive or dynamic site, having good semantic markup is essential, and in any case, you'll have to peek at the source to wire it up. If you have to peek at it, why not just write it yourself?

Once you learn your text editor well (I prefer subliime text 2) you can probably code faster than the design tools anyway. The only thing I might want a design tool for is simply for finding the color scheme I want.

Comment Re:Hermetic Seals (Score 1) 434

Same goes for 3d photos, the future is likely to use more stereo photography so take a picture with 2 cameras next to each other of the same type. I use two iphones and tap the shutters simultanously a few times to see if I can get a match.

Stereo photography has been around for a very long time, and you can even get consumer digital cameras now that have two lenses and take 3d pictures and movies that can be played on 3d tvs. My dad has been a fan of 3d long before the current trend - I grew up in the 80's looking at 3d pictures through special viewers. And of course, last time I saw him, he was holding a 3d digital camera...

Comment Re:Film should NOT look 'real' (Score 1) 273

Shooting a 'movie' in 48fps is like shaking a dreamer awake and shouting in their face, "The dream is over!!"

This is how I felt when I first saw Star Wars on a big HD screen... It suddenly looks like bad actors sitting inside a cheap set saying cheesy lines. The increased detail took away the ability of the imagination to add the depth to the scene, and left it with something far more shallow.

Comment Re:Christ... (Score 1) 914

And don't forget that the initial "7 hour" battery life is also BS if you're doing anything more demanding than staring at a static web page with the screen at minimum brightness.

And that's probably part of my problem - I am a web application developer and use the heck out of my systems. Server class stuff, development, editors, email, browsers... graphics programs.. virtual machines... That sucks a battery down fast.

Comment Re:Christ... (Score 1, Informative) 914

I love my first gen MBP, it has served me well. But it has gone through 3 batteries, and I need to order another one now. (They bulge out and die)

The nearest Apple store is an hour and a half away. If I can't order an inexpensive battery and replace it myself, then.... I'm not going to buy the laptop. So long Apple. Great product, until you you started screwing us.

Comment Re:NPR Looked at Pizza Delicious (Score 1) 400

That story doesn't ask or answer the question: Was there more business coming in after the Facebook ads?

They just asked if the people coming in the door were there because of Facebook.

Which one is more important?

Opportunity cost. Even if enough people came in to break even on the cost of the Facebook ads, if the sampling of people indicated they heard about the place on the radio, it would be more cost effective to move the money over to the radio. This is why it is important to survey your customers from time to time to find what demographic they are.

I once owned an ISP that put up a large ad in the pre-show slides at the movie theatre. It worked great for a year, as shown by the survey on our signup form. However, after a year went by, it seems that we had either exhausted that demographic, or the slides were broken (the few movies I went to seemed to support the latter). We shifted that advertising money elsewhere.

I'll go with the business owner's research on this one.

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