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Comment Re:The priesthood has spoken (Score 1) 231

True, and well answered. Worth pointing out though that the big picture is still unambigiously scary. These are similar reasons people cite for not making healthier diet and lifestyle choices. "I ain't had a heart attack yet, and they keep changing what's good and bad for you, so I'm going to continue eating cheeseburgers!"

Excess sodium and calories are bad for your health even if you can't pinpoint any specific adverse events caused by them yet. Carbon and methane are wildly unbalanced in the atmosphere and increasing far more rapidly than anything natural that humans and our farms can adapt to. That carbon and methane in the atmosphere soak up more heat and will change the temperature is a stone cold fact. Piddling about whether it's already causing bad things to happen or not is like arguing whether the deck of the titanic would be wet even if we hadn't hit that iceberg.

So I hope everyone in this-far-too-reasonable-for-slashdot discussion doesn't conclude we're safe from climate change.

Wildfires happen regularly in nature. The article is nonsense about their rarity. Wildfires of this size occur only if there is an abundance of fuel. Naturally, that requires a drought after a couple decades of being too wet to burn. Thanks to California fire departments, all the small wildfires that would've cleaned out the accumulating fuel were extinguished before they could consume much dead wood.

"We knew that for at least 30 years, and California is so environmentally conscious, they MUST have stopped that policy years ago right?" NO THEY'RE STILL DOING THAT. I guess I shouldn't wonder if the Bay area is prepared for the inevitable "Big One"...

Earthquakes of significance are unchanged. Despite panic that small rock-settling after fracking would result in new faultlines exploding (or whatever nonsense those stories got to).

The jury is still out on that one. In places with no fault lines, sure, it seems unlikely fracking will cause earthquakes, but in Oklahoma, it's possible.

Comment Re:No surprises... (Score 1) 132

Again. Why should there be defective children born in a society where abortion on demand until the very last moment is a viciously defended thing?

Anti-abortion activists are the vicious ones killing real human beings. Pro-choice activists are the ones peacefully trying to maintain their medical autonomy.

Further, arguments about eugenics are a red-herring. Most reasonable people accept abortion as the only ethical choice if an embryo has a severe lung defect and can only possibly be born to suffocate seconds after the cord is cut. But the main argument is "it's my medical decision, not the state's, and certainly not the decision of a bunch of people who worship a virgin-born zombie who may have said something that if you take it out of context means 'yay unborn fetuses.'"

My own home environment was terribly polluted.

We can tell :-P

Comment Re:Free TV (Score 1) 231

When you steam it, people in the home city may watch your stream rather than pay money to attend the game

That's like saying "We should stop pornography because then people will stop bothering to have sex and the human race will die out."

If you're into it and it's feasible and, you actually do the thing. If it's not feasible, you watch a video of it.


The people who make those arguments are idiots who have way too much political power, but I guess it's good they waste it on trivialities like fighting a losing battle to prevent people from seeing action on screens.

Comment Re:Then they should pay for it (Score 1, Insightful) 588

Rich corporations and people will simply move their wealth out of reach. We've already seen this phenomenon with Apple and MS and how they structure their international holdings and with individuals with what was revealed in the Panama Papers.

Apple and MS of course both having their headquarters in the socialist united states. Excellent example! /s

Rich people and corporations are greedy and will work to evade taxes and distort democracy period. This argument is akin to "Well murders will just go to great lengths to hide their crimes if we make murder illegal."

Focus on making tax evasion and avoidance impossible. Don't say "Well we can't afford to take care of our citizens cause we need to lick the boots of our rich overlords."

A US UBI would eventually result in the US following Greece down the toilet. And if *that* happens, the entire world will dissolve into chaos and violence.

We've had three or four recessions/depressions that resulted from cutting taxes to placate the wealthy so they would let some wealth trickle down. Financial catastrophe and eventual violence followed.

Greece's problems were complex, but they were definitely not due to high taxes from UBI. A large cause of it was government failing to collect ENOUGH taxes. If the right wing rich-worshipers were correct, Greece should have lead us out of the recession with trickle-down economics.

The other side of the coin was that greece spent too much. If you want to talk cutting spending down, by all means, cut spending. Start with the biggest expenditure

Also, if you're going to talk about socialist financial ruin, you should cite more than a single example. The country that initiated the last financial catastrophe? The United States (again, we're not socialist.) The country that recovered the best? Socialist Sweden.

I mean, maybe the gods of capitalism and supply side economics will finally accept the sacrifices of our country and bless us THIS time, but I'd prefer to be evil, socialist, and have a roof over my head in retirement. Lets try eating the rich for once instead of licking their boots?

Comment Re:Hire ? Just use your "Anti-conservative" folk (Score 1) 92

making sure to insert Pro-progressive content into suggestions

You see a conspiracy. I see simple demographics. Most of youtube's user base is young and computer literate. That's a demographic that is naturally progressive compared to other groups.

If you're so right-wing that you're implying youtube has a nefarious progressive political bias to it, yeah, every video might seem "pro-progressive." That's your deal, not youtube.

Comment Re:Double Standard (Score 1) 130

I'm not sure there is a technical/bureaucratic fix for it. I suspect that if the content confirms the biases that the audience has and likes, they will accept it as true no matter how many markings or red flags you put on it. Conversely, if it challenges what they want to believe, they'll ignore it.

I mean look at X media. How can anyone take X media seriously? Those talking heads on X media are just screaming out to be punched in the face for their hypocrisy. Meanwhile, idiots watch X media and trash on Y media, which is fair. It's despicable.

("X media" here = "lamestream" media and Y media = fox if you're a GOP voter, or if you understood all the words in this post, simply reverse the variables)

Comment Re:Work less (Score 1) 176

It's self-imposed. You work hard to keep up with everyone else and by the time you realize it's bullshit, you're unwilling to admit it because you've missed out on so much of your personal life. Admitting you didn't need to be at the office instead of your son's baseball games is painful and makes you feel like a fraud.

Comment Re:Yeah.... but.... (Score 1) 283

It doesn't do much good for a society having a generation of Paris Hiltons while most of the populace starves on the streets.

Poor example: Paris Hilton has been extremely shrewd in making money. Certainly it's a lot easier to make a million dollars when you already have several million as she did, and of course she's been shameless in the ways she's made it, but it's incorrect to imply she's inherited of her money.

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