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Comment Re:Stop blaming the Sites (Score 1) 189

So disable it during private browsing. Better to have real security with some limited functionality than a false sense of security.

Or how about run Flash in a temporary VM which can be immediately destroyed on exit? If there is a way to have security and functionality I'd prefer that.

Comment Re:Stick with the old (Score 1) 404

Yep, hopefully 7 will be the new XP, and get around a decade of use with an extended update cycle.

As long as there isn't some stupid thing like DirectX 12 as Windows 8 exclusive. Then again, most developers are still shipping DX9 engines with the extra features as options that don't really add much.

Comment Maths (Score 1) 84


displays 3 million warnings of unsafe websites to 400 million users a day

I didn't RTFA, but doesn't that look like it doesn't add up? 400 million users are displayed 3 million warnings? I guess it means 400M users are warned from 3M identified sites?

Comment Re:Anecdote time! (Score 1) 616

the developer using .NET or Java is likely to outproduce the developer using C/++ in nearly every meaningful measurement to a business

Maybe, but I think some of this may be that C programmers tend to over-optimize and fine tune things which already have plenty sufficient performance to start with. It's so easy to fall into that trap with such a powerful language. With some good libraries and sufficiently advanced developers, ones that really have the ability to work with both, I don't think the divide is nearly as big as people claim it is.

Comment Re:Long term Id fan here... (Score 1) 172

Sadly, that could cause them problems.

Likely, even now, the most widely used game engine developed by someone other than the developers of the game in question is the Unreal Tournament 3 engine from 2007.

I think John Carmack said at Quakeconn that they had no plans to license id Tech 5 externally at that point. Although that means Bethesda can still get their hands on it... I will be very excited if this leads to a Fallout 4 on id Tech 5.

Comment Re:Elder Scroll V sales dropping (Score 2) 205

To be fair, I suppose perhaps my attitude might be colored by fanboyism of the original Fallouts. It just didn't have the same feel.

The fanboyism of the original fallouts really never ceases to amaze me. Maybe other people had a different experience with it, but some sections of the game crash so often that getting through any piece without some exception being thrown was grounds for immediate saving. I probably had something like 5 rolling save files devoted just to creeping my way through the mutant base, trying not to trigger any broken scripts. Yes, I'll admit there are good parts to the game, plotlines and story is great, but the experience as a whole actually leaves a lot to be desired in the state it was left in. A friend of mine actually managed to get completely stuck in fallout 2 due to a glitch in the boxing ring by filling up all his saves and the quest bugging out and not completing. So I guess it's really all about story, and crashes be damned I can load the save, as far as most people are concerned (unless you accidentally line up all saves behind a major bug).

And I'm not implying the newer Bethesda flavor is any better on that account. I had my fair share of bugs and crashes in Fallout 3. Stability was downright laughable until some patches arrived on the PC (although, I continued to crawl ahead anyway). I've actually only had a few problems so far in New Vegas where something has been downright broke. I've had Ed the robot get stuck inside terrain a few times, and same thing for a ghoul somewhere which was quest related, but it seems like the actual crashes have gone down. Maybe they just have a more graceful way of handling unexpected game states.

I just don't understand why people are so forgiving of major bugs in those games, same goes for Oblivion and all that. Kinda depressing to see such high profile titles with such terrible stability. Maybe I'm setting the bar too high, and some unwanted loading and replay is par for the course. Hopefully the new engine in Skyrim won't be so broken, but I have a lot harder time looking on a title favorably when it feels like I'm walking on broken glass the whole time, the slightest misstep could be disaster, better do another quick save just in-case. This is where I hope Bethesda can really benefit from having id software under their umbrella, because id has a great track record as far as stability goes.

Comment Re:Diablo 3 (Score 1) 413

Or it could be people having to deal with the current financial situation?

Could be for some, but I'd wager they were probably bored with it already and had a harder time justifying leaving the account active. For those who still enjoy WoW, it's probably a far cheaper form of entertainment per hour than just about anything else. But that's part of the problem with most MMOs, they really don't respect the players time. The biggest problem I see with MMOs is when design is centered specifically on keeping the time sinks as long as possible rather than just making the game fun.

Comment Re:Just to save a few bucks.. (Score 1) 244

If most, if not all, of the intended market will use an aftermarket air cooler/watercooling loop is there really any reason to include the stock heatsink/fan

I'm on water now, but setting such a system up requires getting a lot of different parts, probably even from different vendors. I certainly didn't have all that stuff set to go when the CPU was ready to be plugged in. Having a respectable stock heat-sink while sorting out other various hardware is not necessarily useless. And on the extreme chips Intel actually provided a fairly decent product, at least enough to up the clocks some.

And even if all the hardware orders had arrived, there was still time spent on leak testing outside the system. Either way, for such a ridiculously priced product, removing that *small* extra, even if not always used, is not cool.

Comment Re:Cooling update (Score 1) 244

Could actually be a real problem with selling "software" frequency unlocks. Perhaps the OEM packages it with enough cooling for the stock frequency, but unless it has the extra headroom on cooling the software unlock is going to make things worse.

Comment Re:It seems good (Score 1) 591

but if you believe Diablo III will be cheat free

Where exactly is the line drawn on cheat-free exactly? I'd say they can probably stop item duping and hacked items with ridiculous stats. My guess is the majority of "cheating" in D3 is going to trend towards farming bots. With official approved real money auctions, the motivation for highly advanced bots is going to be that much higher.

Comment Re:Roadless (Score 1) 220

Ever try that in SimCity? Unless you have some massive money built up it usually fails. Turns out rail is not all that cheap.

So that leads to the 2nd solution here, raise taxes to balance the budget, resulting in everyone moving away. Carbon problem fixed.

Comment Re:Meh... (Score 1) 210

"run backwards and fire constantly until the enemy drops". Many games have this AI flaw, but Oblivion and Fallout 3 more than most.

Until you find a critter which has more speed than you at least. I think a Deathclaw at least can outpace a player? Still, broken AI either way. I suppose enemies with ranged attacks don't suffer nearly as bad, but melee stuff yea... Maybe everything melee should be given some kind of "sprint" ability as to not trivialize an entire class of enemy.

Comment Re:Again (Score 1) 284

early Core 2 Macbooks having far too much thermal paste on them and overheating

To be more realistic, this isn't really a problem specific to Macs. Damn near every NVidia card I've dismantled has been oozing thermal paste and causing higher temps than it has any right to (and yes sometimes crashing as well). Fortunately I've dismantled and re-pasted all my cards in use but it's still ridiculous quality control any time I've bothered to check.

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