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Comment The death cry of Obamunism (Score -1) 1

Our Dear Leader showed us the way. All shall praise his glory when he throws out the libtard justices on the SCOTUS to make it a permanent arm of the GOP. He is already showing DJTJ the ropes to be the next POTUS whenever he is called up to sit by the side of the Lord. Soon will be dark days for the demonrats, and great days for America. All Praise Trump!
User Journal

Journal Journal: Fox News Shoots Itself In The Foot 3

WTF, Fox News? How could the only real patriot running for the nomination - Rick Perry - not be included in the debate? Instead you're including that limp-wristed chickenshit Rand Paul? I used to be able to count on you guys, now you go and step in it.

Comment Re:Don't commit crimethink against Her Highness! (Score -1) 9

Worry not, I won't tell the libtard that you mentioned his crappy argument. His gay stalker trollness is not welcomed here, either.

I think he's mostly incompetent.

d_r? Definitely incompetent. BHO? Definitely pure evil. Go check out ace of spades and see the tallies of people who have lost their jobs due to Obamacare - and Obamunism in general. He's driving us straight off the cliff in the name of "progress".

User Journal

Journal Journal: Damn Right

Gary Kiehne just told it like it is - mass shooters are all libtards. Everyone should go register in Arizona and vote for this guy - maybe more than once to offset libtard vote-rigging - to reward him for being willing to tell it like it is. Whie you're there, enjoy the rewards of a free society where you don't have to bother with stupid li

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