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Comment Re:What moron judge allowed this? (Score 1) 527

Protecting *all* of your users or shutting down to avoid betraying one of them has a philosophical elegance about it in my mind.

Pretty much my line of thought.

Unfortunately, as a practical, sustainable business plan it depends on your users to not do things that would cause someone force you to make the choice.

Comment Re:What moron judge allowed this? (Score 2) 527

In other words, when LavaBit wouldn't provide them information on a single account, the fed escalated to the nuclear option.

It sounds like LavaBit's security was essentially an "all or nothing" situation, though. If they compromised just one of their users, then effectively none of their users were secure anymore.

Obviously, the feds weren't too keen on getting "nothing".

Not sure how LavaBit could have architected things to not be in this position. Maybe giving each individual user a subdomain with its own separate SSL server key would allow a specific user to be targeted without breaking everyone's encryption. But quite frankly, who in their right mind would depend on a secure e-mail provider who'd design things for their own legal convenience?

Comment Re:Why all of a sudden? (Score 1) 261

But this has to be a very tiny percentage of iOS users.

With Apple's sales, a very tiny percentage of iOS7 users is a heckuva lot of people. If the iOS7 versus iOS6 changes increased that number by, say, a factor of five, you might be looking a decent size city worth of people suddenly finding iOS uncomfortable to use.

Comment Re:Why all of a sudden? (Score 5, Informative) 261

Not to be insensitive to people with vestibular disorders, but why is this the first I'm hearing about this?

In a nutshell, vestibular disorders are weird and the triggers are subtle. Certain movements won't bother most people, but if you smooth them out, adjust the speed, tweak the effect, things get weird.

I went through an episode of labyrinthitis (an inner ear problem) a few years ago, and it was crazy what would and wouldn't trigger problems. For example, I could watch videos of someone running a dog in agility, but first-person video of any kind was nasty and when that tsunami trashed Japan, I nearly hurled trying to watch footage of the waves on Youtube. I could actually run my dog in agility, spinning and sprinting and and dodging and pretty much anything physical while standing up, but being in a moving vehicle or even just bending over... ugh.

Comment Re:Add this to Cars (Score 3, Funny) 139

Now, imagine, if you will, that same freeway with half the 'drivers' gesticulating wildly trying to get the last Justin Bieber track to play again.

Violence will ensue.

If things even get so bad that half the drivers on the freeway want to hear Justin Bieber again, I'd think a good culling would be a desirable outcome...

Comment Re:Oh for crying out loud (Score 1) 325

So, the fix for a system receiving smtp traffic is to force the sender to use http in real time?

No, it's to reply with an e-mail containing a link to an EULA they have to agree to before the intended recipient sees what was sent. Unfortunately, it's not ideal if the e-mail isn't originated by a person; welcome to the Internet-of-lawyers-and-or-idiots...

You understand smtp is a store and forward protocol right?


Comment Re:God and Cockroaches (Score 1) 277

think of a monkey-like God looking down on all of mankind's problems with famine and hunger and yelling, "For My sake, mankind, I gave you the cockroach! An unlimited food source - you can't wipe the little bastards out if you try!"

I think God might have underestimated mans (and Monsanto's) ability to fuck up a perfectly good source of food...

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 631

While it apparently has options, strictly speaking, that's really not far away from having to edit xorg.conf.

That's entirely true. It's a silly way to handle it. At a technical level, I understand why they buried it in the Compiz settings (because Unity is really just a Compiz plugin), but why not expose the useful Compiz settings to the user in an obvious place? I can understand that some of the Compiz settings aren't something you want to let the average Joe mess with, but that doesn't mean they should go full GNOME on the options front.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 631

Oh well, tried Unity instead. The main interface element (dock) has NO configuration options. Nothing.

Yeah, it does. The first version didn't, but more recent versions have some options, although nothing compared to, say, KDE. The problem is they're buried in the compiz settings manager which, oddly enough, isn't accessible through the Ubuntu System Settings interface.

Comment Re:Woohoo! (Score 1) 130

Why the fuck would you use a mobile app to control an IV pump?

An IV pump, probably not. In fact, you'd be silly to run hospital gear with a phone.

A personal device like an insulin pump... yep, I could see it. They've already got pumps that wirelessly communicate with glucometers, and a user interface written on a mobile has to be less confusing than the nests of modal menus on a pump.

Comment Re:Oh my god (Score 2) 403

young men are last on the list when shelters are overcrowded.

As a single young man I can say that single young men are last on the list for just about everything.

That's not entirely fair. Single young men are first on the list for military conscription.

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