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Comment Re:Nobody needs a GUI or CLI (Score 0) 720

Even once we think they are comprehending, they still won't.

How can you prove that humans comprehend anything and aren't just really convincingly passing a constant Turing test? You can't say a convincing simulation of comprehension is distinctly different from actual comprehension unless you can test the difference. Thus the idea of a Turing test: a perfect simulation of comprehension is comprehension.

You give humans too much credit.

Comment Re:Easily CSI (Score 1) 1200

They could pull an iCarly and do SplashFace, ZapLook, ToonJuice and the like. Very cool way to have real fake websites, with even the potential of AR, like back when they had that old to match that ad back in the day (no longer works). There's no reason to blatantly break the fourth wall with 555 numbers and IPs all the time.

Comment Re:TL;DR Version (Score 1) 391

Seriously? I can't think of a form I've filled out ever that didn't ask for social security crap on it, and I sure as hell am never going to get anything from the actually social security funds. Full: car insurance, bank, credit reports, credit cards, health insurance, my doctors, my wife's doctors, my son's doctors, the dentist. Last 4: my college, cell phone (Verizon always did... I think T-Mobile does too), cable company, miscellaneous forms at work. I mean, what kind of rock do you live under where you think extricating our social security number from every part of our life is in any way feasible?

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