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Comment Re:New Mac Pro in 2020! (Score 1) 307

At least the Mac Pro is still a real computer with decent CPUs, non-standard yet swappable GPUs, and user-upgradable SSDs and RAM.

The 2014 Mac mini, on the other hand, is a complete joke. It's like they decided to insult Mac mini users instead of just dropping it completely.

Comment Re:Selling out? (Score 1) 78

That's completely different, though. You have access to better emulators and more emulated consoles, you are not limited to a fixed list of 30 games and you can use the USB gamepads you want. And you can even make/order a 3D-printed mini-NES case, too.

Wait, why would we buy the Nintendo console again? To pay for games we still have in the attic?

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