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Comment Re:here we go (Score 2) 514

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." - Mein Kampf.

Adolf Hitler was raised by a Catholic father and a devout Catholic mother; he ceased to participate in the sacraments after childhood and supported the Deutsche Christen church which rejected the Hebrew origins of the Gospel.[1] In his book Mein Kampf and in public speeches he often made statements that affirmed a belief in Christianity. Prior to World War II Hitler had promoted "positive Christianity", a movement which purged Christianity of its Jewish elements and instilled it with Nazi philosophy. - Shamelessly cut and paste from WP, turns out he was a non-practicing Catholic who linked his enemy Stalin with atheism and had a habit of claiming god was on his side. Unsurprisingly Stalin also co-opted the church as part of his propaganda machine in pretty much the same way as Hitler did.

Comment Re:here we go (Score 3, Insightful) 514

Hitler was in bed with the Pope, Stalin split the orthodox church by attacking it and used what was left as a sock puppet. Religious institutions are powerful players in society, no dictator worth his title is going to allow the church to oppose him, nor can he completely dismantle it. The simplest option is to co-opt it and absorb the obedient followers into his own flock. Stalin did this so effectively he was seen as a benevolent demigod by the majority of his people, even those in death camps believed Stalin would rescue them if he knew what was going on.

This is not to say either of them were motivated by religion, but they most definitely tamed and harnessed the power of religious institutions and used it to suppress internal opposition.

Comment Re:no surprise there (Score 2) 264

I have an i5 with an SSD and an i7 with a traditional HDD, both have very similar GPU's, both run about the same for demanding video games ('world of tanks' at highest quality to be specific). Prior to installing the SSD the i5 was clearly an inferior setup and could not cope with the game without setting the quality slightly above "total crap". I've had that setup for about a year but I also had the SSD replaced under warranty after about 6mths of use, overall I think it's been well worth the dollars and the hassle.

From the credit_where_credit_is_due_dept: the standard Win7 "Performance Information and Tools" really is a very useful "upgrades for dummies" guide as to where you should focus your hardware dollars. With an i5 or better, it's unlikely it would recommend a CPU upgrade.

Comment Re:Thanks, Antigua! (Score 4, Insightful) 377

You seem to continue to side step the issue of the US having the right to control gambling within its borders.

You seem to be ignorant of the fact that the US agreed to abide by certain rules for governing international trade. The US eagerly signed the WTO treaty, a binding contract between nations defining the rules of international trade. The US broke the terms of the contract in order to protect it's domestic gambling industry, this disadvantages all other signatories to the treaty who offer international gambling (including the UK and other staunch allies). Antigua is the only one with the balls to pursue the issue with the umpire. The fact that the WTO agreed with them indicates the WTO is now more than just a lapdog of the US state department.

If the US regrets what it agreed to when it joined the WTO it can always do the honorable thing and pull out of the organisation (that it worked hard to establish). Instead they show themselves to be complete hypocrites by studiously ignoring adverse rulings and vigously enforcing benificial rulings.

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