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Submission + - Slashdot goes kerplunk 4

An anonymous reader writes: dice abandons slashdot classic look forcing long-time users to abandon slashdot.

Comment Re:We need nuclear. (Score 1) 551

Actually, at least in the United States, all the rivers that can be used for hydro electric are being used for hydro power.

What we need to do is get over "proliferation" and rewrite some of the damn treaties to allow the reprocessing of spent fuel as well as change our reactor designs over to ones that will burn the spent fuel. I know the Thorium cycle reactors are a lifetime away, for me anyway, from being commercially ready. But you burn up all those bombs and spent fuel rods already created over the next 500 years and what's left is only hot for a few hundred years, not 10,000 years.

Comment Re:At least there is no cameras (Score 2) 664

Last two companies most of the dev staffs have worked from home. Some have been in other states. But it was software and we could track things like did we make milestones, how often and what did they check into the repository, etc.. They were, however, all salaried. Frankly I never cared if it took them 4 hours or 8 hours to solve a problem or add feature so long as it was delivered on time according to what the project needed.

The other rule was quite simple: If the phone rings between 9AM and 5PM office time you'd better damn well answer it. I'm not calling you to chat I'm calling you because something is broke and needs to be urgently fixed. And I stuck to that. if I wanted a status update I'd send an email.

Comment Re:Perhaps they can pull this off... (Score 1) 153

Wife and I are shopping for a new carrier and new phones. I'm getting another iPhone. I've had one since the 3G and like other Apple products I own, it stays out of my way and lets me get work done.

But she has Samsung devices, Tablet & Phone, but every time we went in to ask questions there was someone in front of us returning a Samsung S4. Well we noticed something. We've gone to 6 different stores and every time we waited the person in front of us was returning a Samsung device, less than 30 days old, and requesting a swap for something different. Some seemed to get a HTC phone, other elected to dump Android and go to Apple.

When we asked sales people about it, more than one told us right now to get the HTC or even Motorola over Samsung at the moment. Apparently while Samsung has a since marketing campaign, their quality control has suffered. As result they are seeing a lot of returns because the phones don't work.

The other thing with the S3 and S4 is that the phones are frankly larger than what she wants to carry. They have an S4 Mini, but she is afraid it will be like her SII and suffer from lack of updates.

I believe she had an early HTC and had problems with it before her Samsung. It's enough that she's now debating switching to an iPhone 5S.

Comment Re:Useful for developers (Score 2) 47

As someone who has been using PhoneGAP/Cordova for about 3 years now it really depends on what the app has to do.

There was a rush a few years ago that a lot of my clients "wanted an app". Oftentimes all this app had to do was pull RSS feeds + add push notifications. For simple apps like that HTML5/JS/CSS/Cordova works great.

However when you start getting beyond simple "Feed & Form" Apps and need to more complex things. For instance, I had a client that wanted an app that needed a decibel meter. That had to be written in native code. While I could access the microphone I couldn't get more information beyond that.

Comment Re:The point where I stopped reading (Score 2) 221

The world is changing. I've been doing "year in review" stuff with clients websites the past month. A trend I am noticing is that mobile users are now half or more of all traffic to many of the sites I manage. One in particular it's 2/3's of the traffic and increasing with almost half of all visits from iOS users. It is getting to the point where we're sitting down next month and drawing up requirement docs for building an iOS and hopfuly Android App by the end of the year.

Comment Re:Quality vs OpenBSD? (Score 4, Informative) 136

FreeBSD's goal is to create a solid Unix based general server OS. And it's around a lot in the storage markets and routing markets, it's just not usually called FreeBSD. I know more than a few Solaris shops that have been converting over to FreeBSD after the Oracle purchase because FreeBSD had DTrace and ZFS support that Linux didn't have at the time.

OpenBSD's goal is security above all else.

Comment The point is MANTLE (Score 1) 120

I'm shopping for a new gaming computer on a budget. And even models shipping with this APU still usually have a R9 270x dedicated card as well, for a price point of about $850 USD.

Where this gets interesting is if MANTLE gets widely adopted. Suddenly it can treat those 6 or 8 GCN nodes on the APU as additional GPU Processing power to be used in the queue. While maybe not as powerful as a second video card, it should give a boost in performance at no additional cost.

Of course assuming game developers start using Mantle...

Comment Re:Engineering's biggest mistake was (Score 2) 397

Actual law is a horrible example because there has been a bubble of lawyers now and it's kept starting legal salaries actually fairly low. I know because my and I have talked about this and she is a lawyer and I went to law school, but ended up starting a tech company I sold instead. Financially we are well off enough that when we have kids she could take a couple years off. But if she does she can kiss having a comfortable job as in house corporate counsel good bye. And she has a JD & MBA.

It's so competitive here that if she left the chances of her finding another one is next to nil. There are about 25 well qualified applicants with JD/MBA's for every corporate counsel job in the area.

And frankly the only people who get those jobs are already corporate counsel somewhere else and are just moving companies or in rare cases move from outside counsel to in house.

Comment Re:Stand their ground (Score 5, Interesting) 247

Depends on your traffic. I run a content rich site for a client of mine and we realized something as we did our quarterly review: Mobile users are now 60% of all traffic to her site. Of that, the biggest block of users are from iPad at almost 30% of all traffic. iPhone makes up another 18% and all Android devices make up about 13% of our traffic. There is another 6% of traffic that is iPods. So as it stands right now iOS is over 50% of all traffic.

Think we are going to ignore iOS? Think again. Instead we've decided that it's time to add a native mobile app for iOS targeting specifically iPad.

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