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Comment Re: Question (Score 1) 193

You'll get the same thing happening in the Midwest too. It isnt the salt. It's because the post is made of lead and the connector is made of brass or steel or some other metal. Thats just galvanic corrosion. The goop keeps moisture away. You'll get the same thing if you have a steel engine block and an aluminum radiator. Different metals connected by water.

Comment Re: News outlets can't report worth a damn (Score 1) 145

Not stolen, conquered. It was gonna happen no matter what. It's a huge land populated by people literally still in the Stone Age. Everyone says "stolen" because words like slaughtered or obliterated sound objectively much worse. If the tables were turned they wouldve done the same. We know that because they tried and succeeded for a little while.

Comment Re: Concerned, but pretending it doesn't exist. (Score 4, Insightful) 213

3 hours away? By wheelchair? Its roughly 10 miles away in a city of 3200 square miles. Yeah, the idea that a virus escaped from one of the only labs in the entire planet that was specializing in coronaviruses is ludicrous, purely a staggering coincidence. What is this now, the fourth or fifth animal they've implicated? After screaming that it was bats and pangolins for years with no actual evidence it's obvious they are desperate for a zoonotic origin.

Comment Re: Religion is belief without evidence (Score 2) 517

That statement is so generic you can drop almost any plural identifying word in there and the statement still holds. Try it. Christians, men, women, scientists, astronauts, Russians, white supremacists. All it takes is a misplaced belief in your groups own superiority for a person to say that.

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