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Comment Re:Shocking! (Score 2) 169

You'd think so, right?

Up until relatively recently, about 5 years ago, budget-level Intel chips like Celerons and Pentiums did not all have Intel AES-NI.

Many people still use those. As a matter of fact, I use one as a small home server. It's a Pentium 3805U. I obviously got it because it was cheap, but it's low power and does the job. Sure, I use it as a server, but most people would use that machine as a surf 'n office computer.

Since it doesn't have AES-NI, encryption will be slower by definition. There are a lot of machines like that out in the wild. I hear you "five years is ooooold". I'll give you that, but old doesn't mean useless, nor should it mean "relegated to landfill".

Comment Re: No, really? (Score 1) 66

Now, I may be wrong, but I don't think there were any Core CPUs that were Netburst based. Netburst was mostly Celerons and Pentiums (and some Xeons, but, I'm not sure about that).

The first Intel Apples came with either Core Duo or Core 2 Duo. Yes, some of those, namely the Core Duos were 32-bit only. Even if you have a Core 2 Duo Apple, which should be 64-bit, you can be limited because the firmware is 32-bit and can't boot a 64-bit system without workarounds... but the CPU itself could run 64-bit. (Here is some reading about that particular problem)

Comment Re:If you don't like the law, tell them to change (Score 0) 106

Oh! I know the plot to this one!

1) Get judicial precedent for your interpretation of the law by installing a sycophant as the head of the regulating body who then stops defending the topic in an active court battle (Source: TFA)
2) Raise prices because "the markets will correct it if it becomes a problem" (Source: Libertarian wet dreams) and there's no competition
3) Sell it to the public as a statement of how criminals shouldn't get a break, blatantly ignoring the fact that police are arresting people on BS charges (Source: I dunno, most of the USA for the last month?) as a power move and judges are getting locked up for taking bribes from jail builders to send kids to jail (Source: Kids for Cash program)
4) Use the judicial precedent from step 1 to justify the lack of regulation (Source: OP)

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